Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 2017 Thursday #Pilates#God'sway#unexpectedhelp#sightseeing!

Get Fit
Got into some Pilates today.  Do you have a Pilates place near you?  They are all over I noticed.  It is a gradual program at your own speed.  You can start where you need to and get as far as you can.  Do you have bad hips, back, knees?  You do Pilates on your back so I like to think gravity helps with this.  Do what you can for you!!!!

Get Faith
Isaiah 55:8  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  The study writer mentioned being somewhere you need to be but don't want to be, like working at a fast food restaurant.  We can not always be in prayer in our happy place, but we still have to survive this life, regardless.  We did a Bible study on God at work a few years ago.  We are called to be the best employee, be the kindest coworker and the Christian in all places.  (In a perfect world)  Do your best and remember?  Smile!

On this day
1997 Speaking of work places.  I was trying to clean up the huge files that the boss had in storage upstairs.  He kept everything and asked for things everyday!   I spent a lot of time up there organizing and cleaning out things I knew he would not ask me to look for.  The next winter, his daughter came in and threw it ALL out. She would not be there when he wanted the Ace Truck Tire file that year.  His son did the same the next year.  After searching files for the last 4 years I had worked there, now I could only reply - "gone".  Thanks to them for that, saved me so much stress.  (He was very insulting if you couldn't find something.)  See!  things can get better! God at work.

1139 - The Second Lateran Council opened in Rome. ?  The Second Council of the Lateran is believed to have been the Tenth Ecumenical Council by Roman Catholics.  In case you wondered as I did.

China sightseeing

China Attractions

China boasts a large number of wonderful attractions including antique sites and relics, imposing imperial palaces, delicate water towns, amazing natural wonders, splendid cultural heritage, and diversified folk customs. It will take years to visit all of these attractions, but it is fairly easily to tour the top attractions. Over years, has handpicked many tour itineraries to cover these highlights throughout the country.  WE can look at a few of these over the next few days!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan W and Greg P.

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