Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017 Sunday #Superagers#nolimits#thisyear!#War!

Get Fit
I saw a program the other day about "Super Agers".  It showed a number of 80+ year olds, mostly women that chose to keep active, exercising with yoga and other serious forms of exercise.  They were ballroom dancing, and enjoying life.  It was an instant message to me to get back to the activities I love.  I will be able to plank for two whole minutes again!

Get Faith
Psalm 36;5-6 "Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.  Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep."  I am reminded at reading this that the flu and a broken water line are not the end of the world.

On this day
2016  Reading back on this day, it was either just before, after or it was Easter.  Being Michigan you never know what weather you might get either.  Last year it wa snowing and cold. So today look at that bright sun, here in Michigan, and appreciate the warmer temps.  It is still two weeks til Easter, maybe this will be a warm one!!

1801 - During the Napoleonic Wars, the Danish fleet was destroyed by the British at the Battle of Copenhagen. Now see, I don't remember the Danes being a warring country.  I need to read my history.

Anqing China


The city was founded during the Han Dynasty in the second century BC. In the Middle Ages it received the name of Anqing. From 1853 to 1861 it was held by the rebels of the Taiping rebellion. It had nearly impregnable fortifications. Zeng Guofan began his conquest of the Taiping by besieging the position with double walls. He made it his headquarters after its fall.[citation needed]  More war stories, but we know that about China.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Carol and Claire!!

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