Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25, 2017 Tuesday #Abs#example#recover#Timbuktu#Yangtzecruise!

Get Fit
Oh those abs!  My legs are still sore from the stupid cramps from those new shoes so I decided to lay on the floor and do situps.  Balance out the pain.  Do what you can!!!

Get Faith
Psalm 25:9  "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way."  We, most of us learn what is right from our parents or family whoever raised us.  How many of us got wrong information? Or not enough. It is so easy to look to a perfect application of how, why and what that God presents to us in His word, the Bible.  It is why we should do the best to direct those who have missed good upbringings to a better teaching.  Jesus was the perfect example of life here in this world.  Show someone the Way.

On this day
2006  Some days are just trying.  I called my friend Gerry who had the flu, then my friend from church Cheryl because her significant other Kevin was in the hospital with Pneumonia and then Mom and I went to my cousin Sandy's husbands funeral.  If you get too many of these days in a row it can wear on you.  But, Gerry healed and so did Kevin - I can't say about cousin Bill, but his wife is doing fine.  We get over these set backs and life goes on.  Not everyday is sunshine and roses like I usually try to post.  See that above post on how to survive these days.

1590 - The Sultan of Morocco launched his successful attack to capture Timbuktu. I wonder how Timbuktu got to be such a catch phrase?  

China sightseeing
Yangtze River

Winding about 3,964 miles, Yangtze River is the largest in China and the third largest in the world after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Originating from the Tanggula Range in Qinghai Province in western China, it traverses eleven provinces and cities from west to east, including Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shanghai. Finally it pours into the East China Sea at Shanghai.  Long cruise for one day or even a week.  Looks great though!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue! Dan!

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