Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 18, 2017 Tuesday #DancinGrannies#Smile#Goodmemories#Reformation#Qian Xuan

Get Fit
Was cleaning out another box and found an old video that Mom had.  It was Dancing Grannies, a video exercise so you know I had to look at it.  Well,  they are all younger than I am and it is a little lame but they are moving and I am still in a weakened condition ...so.

Get Faith
Psalm 20;5  "We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up banners!"
The study writer talked about smiling.  I have for a while noticed that people wonder what I am so happy about, "you smile a lot".  Yep, Have you ever looked in the rear view mirror when you are sitting at a light and caught that "get outta my way" look on your face?  It's scary.  We can rejoice in our salvation and reflect that joy to those around us - saying I'm a Christian and looking like you are about to deliver a throat punch isn't right.  Lol -  keep checking that mirror and set up happy banners.

On this day
1994  Just a normal day, I worked, Marty took Nicole to school, school called, Nicole was sick, Mom picked her up.  When I got home though, something different.  There can always be that one thing that stands out of the normal. An old boyfriend from the early 80's called to see how I was doing.  He didn't say anything but I know from friends that went to Florida later that he died shortly after.  He must have been saying goodbye.  I'm glad to know that I didn't burn bridges so bad that people care enough to call and say goodbye.  Probably just remembering the good times.  RIP Chuck.

1521 - Martin Luther confronted the emperor Charles V in the Diet of Worms and refused to retract his views that led to his excommunication. You know I had to repost this!  And, did you know that the Pope attended the celebration of the 500 anniversary of the Reformation last year?  I heard it.

China More art - because

Early Autumn, 13th century, by Song loyalist painter Qian Xuan. The decaying lotus leaves and dragonflies hovering over stagnant water are probably a veiled criticism of Mongol rule.[1]  This is  beautiful, there is so much artwork to look at from China.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michele P!

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