Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28, 2017 Friday #Stretchhhhhhhhhhh#Hisimage#joyfulday#beef&broccoli!

Get Fit
I did the entire Pure and Simple stretch, I'm guessing because I was laying on the floor for most of it.  I might have even fallen asleep judging by the time, AND the cat was outside.  Maybe you would like something a little more energetic today?

Get Faith
Psalm 145:8  "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
The Lord is good to all, he has compassion on all he has made."  I would hope that someone reading this could attribute any part of it to me.  We are called to follow the God we love, to be like God as we are made in His image.  Does that mean we look like Him or that we act/respond like Him?  I hope I can be some of that because I love the Lord.

On this day
2012  Was a Saturday and I went and picked up Chris L that I knew from our youth group at church.  He wanted to work at camp and needed help with the paperwork so we went to breakfast.  (He is a young man that I see great potential in and pray for.)  Afterwards we went and picked up Alison and Anna and took them to church. (I think they were babysitting an event at church that day)  and then I took Chris home.  Later in the day Don, Mom and I went to my cousin Sherrys' daughter's wedding.  It wasn't like any other wedding we had been to.  It was Catholic - Chaldean, truly beautiful and a great opportunity to see different culture.  The reception was out of this world ornate, I felt I was in the company of royals.  We were a few relatives from Sherry's family - Mom and I, Betty B and Karen and cousins Barb and Colleen.  Busy day and great people to remember.  Kate, 5 years later has 2 beautiful girls.

0357 - Constantius II visited Rome for the first time. Maybe on his bucket list?

Chinese Food

  Beef and Broccoli on rice - sounds healthy and easy to make!  What's for dinner?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Parker! Julia, Sarah and Josh B !!

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