Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22, 2017 Saturday #Useit!#Blessings#workethics#Watsons?#TerracottaWarriors!

Get Fit
Use it or lose it!  Tried the Arms and Abs workout this morning, now I will sit and read the rest of the day.  It doesn't take long to lose it I'm finding out.  Keep moving!!!!!

Get Faith
Psalm 40:5  "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell off them, they would be too many to declare."  This is your mission for the day - try to remember all of the amazing things God has given, provided and supplied you with in your life.  I think of family, my grandmother - the living on a lake, my education, the experiences life has shown me, my friends, my work, the beautiful world and my daughter.  I could go on but I won't, you get the idea?  Go!

On this day
1999  It was take your child to work day.  My child decided to go to work with my cousin Kathy V.  at the medical office she worked at.  Not sure who's idea this was, Kathy drew blood from patients, nothing Nicole would watch, lol.  I went to work and my bosses granddaughter Sheena, who was probably 7 or 8 came in to work with me.  Her dad, Nick worked there too.  Sheena did want to work for her grandfather and years later ran the scale occasionally for us.  What are your memories on "take your child to work day?"  I think it is so important for our kids to learn good work ethics - if you have them, it is a good idea, if not send them with your cousin.

1999 - The Watson Family received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ?? The Watson Family is the title of a recording by American folk music artist Doc Watson and The Watson Family, originally released in 1963.  What I found.

China sightseeing
The Terracotta Warriors, also referred as Terracotta Warriors and Horses, is located in east of Lintong District of Xian, China, lying Lishan Mountain in south and facing Weihe River in north. With its large scale and overwhelming momentum, the Terracotta Warriors is regarded as the Eighth World Wonder and was listed into 5A world cultural heritage in 1987.

   Think of the huge loss this artwork would be if anything happened to it?  Amazing

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Earth Day?  I think.

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