Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15, 2017 Saturday tax day#salvation#vigil#1991#ecosystem

Get Faith
Psalm 13:5  "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."  This from psalms on the Saturday before Easter Sunday holds more meaning for me.  After remembering yesterday His death on the cross for me I do rejoice in that salvation everyday!  God is good!

On this day between the crucifixion and the resurrection we have vigil.  As our Pastor yesterday pointed out, think of how the disciples and His followers and loved ones felt, seeing Him dead on the cross, seeing Him buried in a tomb.  Was their faith still there or were they understandably shaken to the core with fear and disbelief?  We know that tomorrow He will be risen and we will  rejoice.  Today we remember the vigil, that time of uncertainties, sorrow and prayer.

On this day
1991 - I was lucky enough to be a stay at home Mom with Nicole for 8 years and I thank my ex for that.  On this day, Nicole was six and in the first grade at school, I worked at church and then got home in time to pick her up from school.  Life was so good.  I was the Superintendant of Sunday School then and maybe the Outreach Director too.  I loved that a path had opened for me to regain my faith that I had strayed away from.  More important than my being "reborn" into the faith is the basis for Nicole's faith and her involvement that has continued and grown all these years, and the love she has for it.  I thank God for that!

1794 - "Courrier Francais" became the first French daily newspaper to be published in the U.S. I wonder if it was printed in French and how many people here spoke French then?  I suppose you could still get a French newspaper on line  if  you wanted to practice.

BEIJING, April 15 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese official has called for more to be done to ensure ecological security as the country observed National Security Education Day on Saturday.
China faces multiple challenges in this regard, including water loss, soil erosion and smog, noted an unnamed official with the National Development and Reform Commission.
China has 2.95 million square kilometers of land suffering from water losses and soil erosion, and 1.73 million square kilometers of desertificated land, according to the official.
To improve the environment, China needs to strengthen control and regulation over the use of land and resources, and implement green industrial policies, the official stressed.
Related laws and regulations should be improved to hold local officials to account when environment damage is incurred, the official said, calling for the building of a mechanism for paid use of natural resources.
China will also step up protection and restoration of the ecological system and address key problems such as water, air and soil pollution.  This sounds like a world wide problem.  I hope it is our worse problem regarding the health of our earth.  
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Carol C and Dan

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