Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017 Wednesday #Move!#contact#sharing#independence#flying!

Get Fit
How about a warm up, then leg exercises, weights and then some aerobics.  Well balanced right?  Not often I am referred to as well balanced. What is your plan for a work out today?  C''mon !

Get Faith
Psalm 10:17  "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, and you listen to their cry."  God hears all of our prayers and as the study writer said, the lonely can especially feel restored by God's comfort.  God needs us to reach out to the lonely and afflicted, even a card or a phone call can raise someones spirits.  If you are the lonely one, reaching out to someone else in their affliction can come back to you twice.  The joy of helping someone else can lift you out of your own loneliness.  God's angels sent out very often, are us.  Who can you call today?

On this day
1979  I have made a point of keeping in touch with at least one person everyday for a long time.  Back to 1979 I see,  I called Pete's grandmother, Xana, to check on her.  They had little family left and she wasn't speaking to her only daughter. I couldn't figure that out either.  I also called my brother Andy to check in on him and the girls, who were 2 and just born.  My brother Mark had stopped by my work and Pete brought home a little child's purse, from his mom, for Andy's 2 year old Merri. (Pete and I were not getting along then and his mom would find any excuse to send him to my house.)  Now, that was a lot of sharing and caring (and meddling) for one day!

1979 - Zimbabwe proclaimed its independence. Independence is not always good for the people if a good leader is not elected.

Busan South Korea to Cairns Australia
Today is a travel day and I'm sure it will be a long flight. Organize your notes and photos from Busan and get ready for a huge climate and culture change!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017 Tuesday #walk#kindness#boating#golden!#seaweed!

Get Fit
Tried to work out with Jillian but my back is still sore from the 8 - 40 lb bags of dirt.  I did the warm up but remembered if it hurts - stop.  A walk might work better.

Get Faith
Philippians 4:19  "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  How? you might ask?  Someone shows up at your door with food when you have just returned from a hospital stay or calls to check on you, answering your needs for care.  Have you donated clothes? Fed the hungry? Made a financial donation to a needy cause?  God cares for our earthly needs by sending us on missions.  Our spiritual needs are answered by Him through the comfort of His word and message.  Jesus told us He is the Word and the way.  What do you need?

On this day
1977  Pete had a 31 foot 1963 Sport Fisherman with the flybridge.  It was wood and a great ride on the water.  Today happened to be Memorial Day in this year and we were busy cleaning the boat.  Later in the day we ran up to Metro and caught up with some friends, Snake and Marianne having a party there.  The boat must have needed too much work for it not to be Put in Bay ready for the holiday weekend.  It was very unlike Pete to miss that except, he started taking me along so it wasn't as much fun I guess.  That was the best boat he had, I thought.

1539 - Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer, landed in Florida with 600 soldiers to search for gold. I wonder how much he found.  Sounds like a good way to spend Memorial Day.  Now it is a good place to spend your golden years. (I have heard)

Busan South Korea
dried SeaweedsPacked and dried seaweed are a great souvenir.  Better stock up as we travel onto our next destination tomorrow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Elizabeth! 

Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017 Monday Memorial Day #legs#repent#oldfriendmemories#standtogether#

Get Fit
Those 8 - 40 lb bags of dirt did me in, not yesterday, but today.  I tried to help it out with some leg exercises but I think I will have to go to the floor for some yoga - and take some Aleve.

Get Faith
Isaiah 58:8  "If you do these things, God will shed his own glorious light upon you.  He will heal you, your godliness will lead you forward, and goodness will be a shield before you, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind."  I am going to pass on talking about this being about my back.  What do you think that first line "If you do these things" means?  God is speaking to the Israelites who were looking for a quick fix to their ungodly lives. If you repent of your sins (you know which ones)  and live the way we are intended to live (in love and compassions for all) then that glorious light will shine on you and He will be (as always) there for you, (and your back).  I was kidding about not mentioning my back.  He takes care of me, even, when I don't deserve it.  God is good!  Thank you Jesus for the salvation we have in you.

On this day
1976  Pete and I went to Pat's boat at the marina.  His parents and grandparents were on the boat.  It was Memorial Day weekend and the Saturday, so he was probably getting his dutiful son stuff taken care of.  I remember his Mom and Dad well but don't remember the grandparents too much.  After all these years we are still friends although many things have changed.  The following year would have marked the opening of his ice cream truck business and Pat would be sadly missing from a lot of our shenanigans in the summertime.  He still has a boat that he takes out once or twice in the summer.

1453 - Constantinople fell to Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, ending the Byzantine Empire. It appears that most newsworthy items are war and politics, maybe I need a different source.  This was a huge empire, but they all fall when they are divided.  Check your local news today and see if there is a similarity.

Busan South Korea
North Korea fires Scud-class ballistic missile
The isolated but nuclear-armed North has test-fired a missile almost every week for the past three weeks. Here is a perfect example of a country divided.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 2017 Sunday #freedom#remember#Ziggy#religiousfreedom

Get Fit
Finally, Memorial Day weekend!  What does it mean to you?  Yardwork? opening the pool?  Going up north to open the cabin, camp?  BBQ? I'm going to the parade today.  I love to watch the bands, the scouts and the vehicles go by,  (Not the clowns, not a fan)  Oh, and not the politicians, they have their own circus.  So, to remember the Veterans, those with us and those who have died in or because of their service - I will stand when the Vets go by and hold my hand to my heart for our flag!  I will exercise my right to all of the freedoms that our great United States afford us.  God Bless the U.S.A!!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:19  "Listen, my son and daughter, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path." We are fortunate to live in a country that allows us to worship as we choose.  The right to religious freedom is not a world wide gift.  There are countries that kill Christians and countries that kill Muslims.  To die for your faith is not something we in this country are faced with.  Because of that we should live for our faith and thank our Father for our great country and the luck we have to live here.  Our American path of freedom has been won with the loss of a lot of people.  Keep them in your prayers today!  God Bless the U.S,A,

On this day
1974  There was a sign somewhere or someone told me about a lady that had a puppy she wanted to get rid of.  I thought it might be a good friend for my kid brother Mark.  I picked up the dog and brought him home on this day.  It was the sweetest puppy ever.  The parents were neighbors that somehow got through the fence and consummated their friendship.  The father was a full bred, papered Cairn terrier and the mother was a full bred white Scotty show dog.  And so we got - Ziggy Stardust, which is what Mark named the dog.  He was white Scotty in the front and Cairn terrier in the back, like he had pants and a white shirt on.  He was easily trained and extremely smart and had his fathers talent for chasing female dogs, even after he was fixed.  He loved my Austin Healey convertible, the boat and trips up to Gaylord to see Grandma and Grandpa.  He did not like kids. I only had him 7 years but think of him often.  He is kind of the standard for dogs to me.

585 BC - A solar eclipse occurred that had been predicted by Thales Miletus. 

585 BC - The Persian-Lydian battle ended.   These two unrelated things on this day BC?  Wow someone had some good journaling skills!  I wonder if they were related?

Busan South Korea
With the division of Korea into two states after 1945, the communist north and the anti-communist south, the majority of the Korean Christian population that had been until then in the northern half of the peninsula,[7] fled to South Korea.[8] It has been estimated that Christians who emigrated to the south were more than one million.[9] Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the South Korean state enacted measures to further marginalise indigenous Sindo, strengthening Christianity and a revival of Buddhism.[10] According to scholars, South Korean censuses do not count believers in indigenous Sindo and underestimate the number of adherents of Sindo sects.[11] For instance, statistics compiled by the ARDA[12] estimate that as of 2010, 14.7% of South Koreans practice ethnic religion, 14.2% adhere to new movements, and 10.9% practice Confucianism.[13]   I guess another reason we are more aligned with South Korea.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27, 20017 Saturday #yoga#running#sewing#금정공원

Get Fit
Are There Immediate Benefits to Doing Yoga? Here are some yoga positions to start your day! Notice the progression and return to start.

Get Faith
Hebrews 12:1-2  "Let us run with perseverance, (patience, and endurance) the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.."  This made me think of Nicole because she has been running at camp the last few days and posting her accomplishments.  The study writer here says "No matter the challenges, we need to keep looking to Jesus, who is running right alongside us, every step of the way."  I have often thought of Jesus being with Nicole in snowboarding clothes, with a life jacked in a kayak, with a backpack on, traveling, etc.  I have given her pictures of Jesus in not so typical "old" portraits.  It brings me comfort to know He is there with her, whatever she is doing, and I know her path always leads to Jesus, the perfecter of our faith.

On this day
1968  It was a Monday, but I was working so it was before they changed the holiday to the Monday holiday rule.   In 1968 Memorial Day was still celebrated on the 30th.  I noted that after work I went home, watched tv and sewed.  What a huge difference in activities!  Who still sews?  I suppose some of you do.  Actually, I have gotten back to coloring and doing jigsaws (on my computer) in my spare time.  It also mentioned that we had a record rain fall in the previous days.  Looking out of my window today at my flooded yard, I realize some things have stayed the same.

1968 - After 48 years as coach of the Chicago Bears, George Halas retired. Wow!  long time, anyone remember this guy?

Busan South Korea
One of the places I have never heard any of my friends or any acquaintances visit is the botanical garden at the bottom of Geumjueng Mountain, which abuts the park which contains the cable car,  (maybe called 금정공원… that’s just a guess).
Anyway, for a fair-weathered Sunday it was perhaps one of the least crowded places I have been to, encompassing a deceptively large area.
We took bus 203 from Oncheonjang up the hill to the botanical garden.  Tickets were 1000 won.

  Look at those trees!!! Great place for today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Claire and Pierre!

Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017 Friday #Energize!#Godinthequiet#busy#Avignon#glamour!

Get Fit
Kathy and I did some fat burning aerobics.  I got on the scale after I finished and nope, didn't lose a pound, BUT, I have more energy!  If you want to enjoy this weekend and have energy to do all the things on your list - start with a little energetic dance or run!

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:12-13  "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."  Search for God with all your heart.  Often our prayers are rote, from memory and not spoken with sincerity.  Getting into a time of meditation, quietness and prayer is a practice you need to work on.  Turning off the noise, your phone and the everyday hum of life can be difficult.  God knows how important your time with Him is.  Search for Him with all your heart in the quiet moments of your day.  He will be there, as He always is, but you will have a better sense of His presence.

On this day
2015  Wow! this was a busy day.  My friend Amy was staying at my house for a few days to get back on her feet after back surgery.  Her bedrooms were all upstairs and mine aren't.  Her family were devoted and all here to look in on her.  I loved the house full of people and the comedy they provided ie Glen and my cat.  I was also finishing up editing for my book that was in process of being published and had to go see Mom in her new home that she moved to after a few months of craziness. Then I went to Polish Cafe with my cousins for dinner.  I'll bet I didn't find any quiet time that day.  I do love activity!

1328 - William of Ockham was forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII. Avignon?  did they make this into a movie with those long blue stretchy people?  I think I saw it.

Busan South Korea
Bursting with mountains and beaches, hot springs and seafood, South Korea’s second-largest city is a rollicking port town with tonnes to offer. From casual tent bars and chic designer cafes to fish markets teeming with every species imaginable, Busan has something for all tastes. Rugged mountain ranges criss-crossing the city define the urban landscape, while events such as the Busan International Film Festival underscore the city’s desire to be a global meeting place. Note that Busan is within the boundaries of Gyeongsangnam-do but is a separate administrative unit with its own telephone area code.

It's all glitter, glamour and gossip in October when the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) takes centre stage. Not just about movies – 319 films from 79 countries in 2014 – the real buzz centres on which Korean female starlet will wear the most revealing dress on the red carpet.  Sounds like another place I know!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017 Thursday #yoga/yoga#learn#RIPJim#boattour!

Get Fit
After shoveling dirt in the yard for two days I decided my AM yoga was the right thing to do this morning.  I was right.  I might do the PM yoga later because it is a rainy day.

Get Faith
John 14:6  "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." The other explanation of this is John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  God has given you free entry to a home in heaven, through our Savior Jesus the Christ.  You don't have to jump through hoops, you just need to believe and be saved.  How do you believe?  Talk to someone who does.

On this day
2014  It was the day after Nicole's yearly kegger and so we were a little under the weather.  I had made food to take to another place and went to Don's to drive up to Fenton for a party with friends from my elementary school days.  Jim and Cheryl Hodge's home was on nice shaded country acres and it was wonderful to see a lot of old friends.  I'm so glad Jim organized these get togethers when he did. It is a great Memorial Day memory.  Jim unfortunately isn't around to have these parties, he went on a cruise in 2015, the following year and died while eating an ice cream cone.  Some people just know how to live - and die.  RIP Jim.

585 BC - The first known prediction of a solar eclipse was made in Greece.  We always look to the heavens don't we?

Busan South Korea 
During this 4-hour small group tour, your dedicated guide and driver will take you around the beautiful city of Busan. You can enjoy the beautiful views of Busan from a boat, for approximately 1.5 hours. After, your expert guide will take you to Mountain Hwangnyeongsan Observatory, one of the best sightseeing spots in Korea. This tour includes all entrance fees and transportation and can also be booked as a private tour.
What to Expect
Your tour begins with a pick-up from your hotel in Busan, Busan Port or from the Haeundae Subway Station from 6-7pm. Your tour begins at 7pm where you will explore the beauty of this spectacular city at night.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Henry and Lloyd!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23, 2017 Tuesday #ballet#Jesus'love#pastlaugh#30yrs#RollsRoyce!

Get Fit
Love the balletcize.  She is British, with that nice soft accent and so graceful.  What an inspiration.  Glad I don't have a mirror in the living room to spoil the mood. Want those legs to look good for summer?

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 16:23 "May the love and favor of the Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you." I pray this for all of you that read this today, actually, I pray this for those who don't read this as well. It is an ever present gift, available everyday to everyone. That is who Jesus is - loving and kind, gentle and forgiving, everything we need everyday. ALL And, it is for all of us. It is yours for the taking.

On this day
2011 I'm sure you have all had those days. Nicole lived in Chicago and realized that her license plates expired tomorrow on her birthday. After work I picked up Mom's car that was being serviced, raced to the Secretary of State for Nicole's plates, took them to the post office to overnight them to her and then went out to dinner with Grace Circle. All this going on during thunder and rain storms. I can look back and laugh, so if you are doing this today - remember in the future, you may be able to look back and laugh. This too shall pass! (PS I did ballet on this morning too, hope that's not an omen.) Nicole you did get your tabs, right?

1618 - The Thirty Years War began when three opponents of the Reformation were thrown through a window. Boy, it doesn't take much does it?  

Busan South Korea

Say hello to the exclusive Seoul and Busan Editions

I wonder if the North Koreans have this luxury.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017 Monday #Stretch#gifted#beer!#anti-king#Yongdusan!

Get Fit
Started the week with Pure and Simple Stretch.  It must be the right thing to do, stretch I mean.  Look how an animal gets a good stretch when it wakes up from a nap!

Get Faith
James 1:17  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  The study writer asked what the most treasured gift was that I had ever received.  My daughter first and the wonderful life I have enjoyed, but maybe, best of all my faith.  Ok, my daughter and my faith, but so many other things that I can't list.  I seldom think of the wonderful "things" I have been gifted with.  I am not a good receiver of gifts, I feel like I don't show enough thankfulness to the person that gives them to me.  If you are one of them, please know that I appreciate dearly, the gifts and thoughts that have gone into them.  Thank you for everything!  As for my gifts from God, I prayed that He would keep me close and so, He keeps me poor.

On this day
2009  My boss was in the hospital having a hip replacement.  He wasn't an easy guy to get along with in the first place but this put him over the edge.  He wasn't one of those guys to pay to attention to what the doctors said to do afterwards, either.  But knowing that was going to happen, Nicole had her second kegger on this night and I forgot until Monday that I would have to deal with this.  Now that was a gift!

1246 - Henry Raspe was elected anti-king by the Rhenish prelates in France.  is a would-be king who, due to succession disputes or simple political opposition, declares himself king in opposition to a reigning monarch.  Just wondered.

Busan South Korea
Yongdusan Park is a park located in Jung-guBusanSouth Korea. The 118-meter-high Busan Tower is located here.
Yongdu means “dragon’s head” and “san” means “mountain”. The name is an allusion to the similarity of the mountain park, which is said to resemble a dragon’s head. The park occupies an area of 69,000 square meters. It has 70 different species of trees growing in it.[1]
  How about a visit here today?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017 Sunday #foodthink#faithwalk#unpavedroad#deSoto#Youtubetour!

Get Fit
"Eating mindfully, choosing and savouring food away from the distractions of computers and televisions, can help people lose weight, a study has shown. A programme in the US tells people they can eat what they want, including their favourite high-calorie, fattening foods. But they must eat it mindfully, thinking about nothing but the enjoyment of eating their food – although not necessarily eating all of it." Think about that chocolate cake while you are eating it.

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11 " I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths." This reminds me of a winter retreat at camp Michi Lu Ca when Nicole and Hilary led a large group of us through the deep woods and ravines with at least a foot of snow at midnight. I will never forget what would have possibly been my worse nightmare - cold, dark and lost into a beautiful peace and appreciation of trust in the faith of the people with me. The road back to the lodge was lit with moonlight and the ground was covered with perfect shadows of the branches of the trees overhead. God's earth - and we would be wise to follow the straight paths he leads us on.

On this day
2008 Our street was all torn up as they replaced the water and sewer lines and repaved. They were doing the other side of the half so we could still get into our driveway but our neighbors cars were often in our driveway, also. On this day I took Nicole's car to work because it was the last one in the drive-way. We had to adjust to the inconvenience but Hey! we had a porta potty in the yard that came in handy for Nicole's kegger a few days later.

1542 - Hernando de Soto died along the Mississippi River while searching for gold. This is the down side of being an explorer.  I wonder if his mother ever knew of his demise.

Busan South Korea
Found a really great tour on South Korea Trip on Youtube!  Watch it!  food looks great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 20, 2017 Saturday Armed Forces Day #newbones#Hope#freefood#Nicea#Hiphop!

Get Fit
Photo  Good to know!  don't be a potato chip!  Happy to see I can repair my liver in 5 months. :) Waiting on the skin.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  How ironic that in the last few days Facebook printed this as my chosen verse from the Bible?    Ok, I am getting the message and I agree it is my mantra - I am trying.  It is not the Lord that will fail me, but, myself.  If you are losing a battle with your health, life or peace of mind, remember this verse to renew your strength, commit it to memory.  Ask the Lord for help, He loves you.

On this day
2007  Nicole was on her way home from Florida.  She opted to take a vacation on the day she graduated from Albion College and so we had a modest dinner in Jackson with just the immediate family.  She left right after dinner I believe.  So she wasn't home on this day for her friend Lawrence's grad party from Wayne State, but Mom and I went.  Mom and I seldom missed any celebration and I am happy for that now!

0325 - The Ecumenical council was inaugurated by Emperor Constantine in Nicea, Asia Minor. To Christians this is a memorable date.  Can you repeat the Nicene Creed?

Busan South Korea

BUSAN, South Korea – When one first thinks of Busan, one might automatically jump to the tired labels of “Korea’s city of beaches” or “the vacation town,” as it is known to the locals.  It is widely thought of as a place to unwind, let your hair down, and relax on the sand with a cold one.
While that’s all true, few people realize that it is also home to a robust musical sound-scape and was once considered the musical center of Korea.  Busan boasts a thriving music scene loaded with different musical styles and a wide variety to appeal to every taste, from punk to jazz and ska, metal to indie and electronic, hip-hop to grunge and DJ  — the list goes on.  It could even be considered enough to rival Seoul with its Hongdae area.  I didn't know!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jen!

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017 Sunday#Core#Hope#DavinciCode#Cartier#Bustour!

Get Fit
I did abs this morning.  Even if you do a few sit ups and work up to 20 or 50 or whatever it works wonders for your back. And of course your abs.  Core strength is what you want.

Get Faith
Psalm 33:22  "May your unfailing love rest upon us,  O Lord, even as we put our hope in you."  I am saddened when I hear of another suicide.  It is the complete lack of hope for anything better that people are faced with that creates this horrendous act.  It leaves the rest of us, who might have known that person feeling sad and guilty,  thinking we might have helped.  Without hope for the next minute, hour, day, week, year or life, there is no reason to go on.  Our God wants us to have that hope, that knowledge that there is no end - His love is unfailing and goes on into eternity.  Our faith that supports our hope in the future is what we need to survive.  "O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." God loves us eternally.

On this day
2006  Nicole and I went to Olga's for dinner and then met Waynette and Chris Lynch at the show to see The DaVinci Code.  How many times have you read the book and watched the movie?  I read the book and have seen the movie, maybe 5 times.  Let me know.

1535 - French explorer Jacques Cartier set sail for North America.  I am assuming he brought stock for a jewelry store?  Is this the same......?

Busan South Korea

Ride the KTX high-speed train to Busan, where you can get to know the sights and sounds of the city in a day. Choose to explore any of 16 strategic and convenient stops while aboard the Busan City Tour Bus, from the historic Busan Museum to the captivating Gwangalli Beach.
Make your way to Busan, the second-largest metropolis in Korea, via a KTX express train that travels at a brisk 186.4 miles (300 km) per hour. Upon arrival, you climb aboard a Busan City Tour Bus for the famous Haeundae Beach circuit, where buses depart every 40 minutes.
With the option to hop on and off, you can roam through Busan at your own pace. Visit notable cultural centers like the Busan Museum, boasting 6,000 excavated relics and artifacts, and the Busan Art Museum, which is tasked with preserving the traditional art of the city.  This sounds like a great way to spend today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Annie and Elyse

Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2017 Thursday#WW#welcomehome#today#Marrywell#Fisherie!

Get Fit
Have you tried Weight Watchers?   I know a few people that have had good results with this program, well look at Oprah, she is singing their praise right now.  I have their Get Fit video which is circuit training with dancing and weights intervals.  I like it.  Do what you can and find something you like.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:32  "Be kind to one another,  tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."  The study writer tells a story of a son who left home and was gone for years.  His mother was inconsolable.  After a while, the son, unkempt with dirty clothes and long hair came back and stood outside, not knowing if his mother would forgive and welcome him.  There is a Bible story very much like this.  The message is - will God forgive you and accept you back?  If you have a parent that  wouldn't accept you back - you most likely would associate that behavior with how God would react.  Not so.  God has the capacity to be more forgiving and accepting than us humans.  So, forgive one another, be kind and know that God welcomes all of His children home.

On this day
2004 -  A mere 13 years ago and this happened.  Mom  and her old friend (from school) Hilda went to breakfast with their hairdresser Anne.  Mom was 82 and Hilda might have been a year younger.  They are both gone now but to realize that just this short time ago they were living life and enjoying the company of friends.  Think about that today and don't waste a second feeling sorry for yourself.

1643 - Queen Anne, the widow of Louis XIII, was granted sole and absolute power as regent by the Paris parliament, overriding the late king's will. See, 374 years ago women were empowered in politics!  Marry well!

Busan South Korea

Korean Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology (KIMFT) head office.jpg
Hurry! Offer ends in 4 days!
Hurry! Offer ends in 4 days!
The Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, or KIMFT, is a maritime education and research institute operated by the government of South Korea. It is based in Yeongdang-dongNam-guBusan, with an auxiliary campus on Yeongdo island near Busan Port. Each campus includes a dormitory for trainees.
The Institute was formed in 1998 from the merger of the Korea Fishing Training Center with the Korea Maritime Training and Research Institute. The first was established in 1965 as the Korea Deep-sea Training Institute. In 1978, it became an independent corporation. The research institute was founded in 1983, attached to Pukyong National University. The two were merged by an act of the National Assembly of South Korea passed in 1997.
In addition to its research work, KIMFT offers a range of professional certifications. These include a certification in fish medicine.  This looks great for today                                                                                                                        Enjoy the Day  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday  Don LFREE + Get 1 Month FREE
with purchase of select subscription plans. See offer terms.Join FREE + Get 1 Month FREE

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017 Wednesday #meditate#OK#neighbors#Jupiter'sbelt#urbanBusan

Get Fit
Maybe we could meditate with this guy today.  Google this it is funny.

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:1  "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up  anger."
The study writer adds "Lord, I blew it --- again.  A person I care about made an insensitive remark toward me and  before I knew it, I shot back an unkind comment. soon we both spoke harshly and began yelling at each other."  I'm sure I can safely say that we have ALL experienced this.  I, personally am going to try the soft answer of "ok" and walk away looking perplexed as a solution, until I can curb my anger.  Find your answer and meditate on it like the guy above today.  Then pray hard.  We are called to love one another.

On this day
2003  It was a Saturday and I used to take walks around the neighborhood.  I must have worked up an appetite, so when I got home I went up to Eastside Bagel and bought a dozen.  I went to my neighbor's houses and gave out bagels and ended up at Rox's house.  I really miss having her as a neighbor, as well as Ty and Shannon, oh and Al.  Sniff.  Not that I don't like my current neighbors, we just haven't bonded as well, maybe this summer.

1630 - Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi saw the belts on Jupiter's surface.  Sounds creepy, why was he looking at Jupiter's belt?  

Busan South Korea

As Busan was one of the few areas in Korea that remained under the control of South Korea throughout the Korean War, for some time it served as a temporary capital of the Republic of Korea. UN troops established a defensive perimeter around the city known as the Pusan Perimeter in the summer and autumn of 1950. Since then, like Seoul, the city has been a self-governing metropolis and has built a strong urban character.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Suzanne!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017 Tuesday #muscles!#approach#$1.75#nickel#해동 용궁사

Get Fit
Abs and arms this morning.  After shoveling and working on my yard that looks like a war zone after the water line fiasco,  I think the best thing for sore muscles is to keep moving them, maybe a little slower but move!

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:12  "In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."  Are you leary of facing God?  Afraid of what He thinks of you or would say to you?  Maybe you think he would remand you for your thoughts or behavior.  Read that verse from Ephesians again.  If you have an ounce of belief in God - you have a form of faith, which is believing in something you cannot see.  So, you have the faith and should know that he loves you the same as any other person on this earth.  You may "approach God with freedom and confidence." , to answer your prayers or comfort you when you need it.  He is way above revenge and retaliation,  Jesus, His son, fixed all that.  He loves you.

On this day
2001  This was a red letter day.  I got a raise - $1.75 an hour raise.  I was happy with what they paid me and the raises had come pretty regularly.  But, this was the last one I got, and I worked another 11 1/2 years for him.  I guess most people would have quit, but I was getting closer to retirement and at an age, I thought would mean having a hard time finding another job.  Nicole convinced me to try while I was laid off one year.  I did get job offers but at less pay then I was getting so I toughed it out.  I know now that I could have still been working, but, I really enjoy retirement - even at less income.

1866 - The U.S. Congress authorized the first 5-cent piece to be minted. There was a time in history that a nickel raise was huge!  Now you can't even buy gum with it.

Busan South Korea

Updated: Haedong Yonggungsa Temple – 해동 용궁사 (Gijang, Busan)

Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, which means “Korean Dragon Palace Temple,” in English, was first founded in 1376 by the Venerable monk Naong who was an advisor to King Gongmin. One day in a dream, the Divine Sea god of the East Sea revealed itself to Naong. He was told to construct a temple at the top of Mount Bongrae and the nation would become larger and more stable. So after checking around the nation for a place to build a temple, he found the land where the temple now rests. In the process, he named the temple Bomunsa Temple. However, in 1592, during the Imjin War with Japan, the temple was burned to the ground. It wasn’t until the 1930’s, over 300 years after its destruction, that the Venerable monk Ungang, from Tongdosa Temple, rebuilt the temple. He renamed it Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.  Let's visit here today!  Looks  beautiful!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary I !

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017 Monday #magnesium#Quiet!#Scholar/Athlete!#CapeGosnold#Shop!

Get Fit
Magnesium Is A Fundamental Part Of Your Diet: Are You Sure You Are Getting Enough Of It?

Magnesium helps in the regulation of our body temperature, produces energy and rids us of the toxins. Usually lots of us don’t get enough magnesium. The required amount is 300- 400 mg. per day. Some of the symptoms of lacking in magnesium are stress, constipation, poor quality sleep, headaches, migraines and muscle spasms.
I take this everyday for relief from leg cramps and it works most of the time.

Get Faith
Isaiah 30:15  "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."  The study writer touched a nerve with me today.  "Lack of confidence is no respecter of persons.  It can strike because of how we perceive our appearance, go through illness......"  That is currently my issue.  I can't handle being perceived as "ill".  This has been a difficult year with lung cancer surgery and then a month later a respiratory flu.  I don't want to be seen as a "sickee" and keep reassuring everyone that I am fine.  I am working on trusting in God to see me through this, He always does, but my self confidence has taken a hit.  I need more quiet time and should turn off the TV to reduce the noise.  If you are dealing with a setback of one sort or another, remember to take time with God to be restored and comforted.  "in quietness and trust is your strength.."

On this day
2000  I called Waynette, Barb and Kathy to check who was meeting for dinner the next night.  This same group plus others are going out tomorrow night also.  More importantly, Nicole had honor night at the High School and received an Academic/Athlete award.  I was/am so proud of her and who she is.  We always want our kids to achieve higher standards than we did - and she has!  Still proud.  Stay involved in your kids school and let them know it is important to you and them that they do well at school and with others.  Life is better for those kids.

1602 - Cape Cod was discovered by Bartholomew Gosnold. Now there is a name I have never heard.  But I have visited Cape Cod, Waynette.  Go there this summer!  Beautiful and great sea food!  I wonder why they didn't call it Cape Gosnold?

Busan Shopping

Shopping and commerce[edit]

Commercial areas are dispersed throughout the city near busy intersections and adjacent to university campuses, but the two largest central business districts in Busan are Seomyeon and Gwangbok-dong/Nampo-dong. There are also four substantial shopping areas of note: Seomyeon, Gwangbok-dong, Busan Dae Hakap in Jangjeon-dong, and Centum City in Haeundae-gu.

Wow!  Let's do this today!  SHOP!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin!!!