Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2, 2017 Tuesday #heal#Faith#coldcalls#HudsonBayCompany#Busan Hotel

Get Fit
Did some aerobics today with Kathy Smith.  I went to the mall yesterday with Nicole and by the time I got back to the car I was out of breath.  Still have some healing to do.  If you are recovering or fighting something, don't give up!   Do what you can!

Get Faith
Hebrews 11:1  "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Faith in a nutshell is believing in something you can't see, with your eye.  Like Thomas we can be doubters.  God does give us insight at times of that faith we cling to, a newborn baby, a life saving event or a beautiful sunset.  There are times when we are quiet that God whispers to our souls what we need to hear.  Listen, watch and believe for your faiths sake.

On this day
1978  Working for Quality I made a lot of calls on Art Galleries and Frame Shops around the Detroit area.  I feel like I would enjoy and be better at it now than I was then, but most places were happy to see me.  I was there to make sure the picture frame samples they had were up to date and sell them more when possible.  On this day I stopped at Adrian Art Gallery.  I have no idea where this was, anyone?

1670 - The Hudson Bay Company was founded by England's King Charles II. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC; French: Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson), commonly referred to as The Bay (La Baie in French),[7] is a Canadian retail business group.  Still around and doing business!

Busan South Korea
MapWhat do you think the best locale for a hotel room would be?  I'm  for on the water in the middle somewhere.
This looks good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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