Sunday, May 21, 2017

May 21, 2017 Sunday #foodthink#faithwalk#unpavedroad#deSoto#Youtubetour!

Get Fit
"Eating mindfully, choosing and savouring food away from the distractions of computers and televisions, can help people lose weight, a study has shown. A programme in the US tells people they can eat what they want, including their favourite high-calorie, fattening foods. But they must eat it mindfully, thinking about nothing but the enjoyment of eating their food – although not necessarily eating all of it." Think about that chocolate cake while you are eating it.

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11 " I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths." This reminds me of a winter retreat at camp Michi Lu Ca when Nicole and Hilary led a large group of us through the deep woods and ravines with at least a foot of snow at midnight. I will never forget what would have possibly been my worse nightmare - cold, dark and lost into a beautiful peace and appreciation of trust in the faith of the people with me. The road back to the lodge was lit with moonlight and the ground was covered with perfect shadows of the branches of the trees overhead. God's earth - and we would be wise to follow the straight paths he leads us on.

On this day
2008 Our street was all torn up as they replaced the water and sewer lines and repaved. They were doing the other side of the half so we could still get into our driveway but our neighbors cars were often in our driveway, also. On this day I took Nicole's car to work because it was the last one in the drive-way. We had to adjust to the inconvenience but Hey! we had a porta potty in the yard that came in handy for Nicole's kegger a few days later.

1542 - Hernando de Soto died along the Mississippi River while searching for gold. This is the down side of being an explorer.  I wonder if his mother ever knew of his demise.

Busan South Korea
Found a really great tour on South Korea Trip on Youtube!  Watch it!  food looks great!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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