Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3, 2017 Wednesday #feelgood#liftthemtotheLord#harbor포

Get Fit
I went to exercise workshops and found a site that talks about living well into your 80's and 90's.  It says rather than concentrating on losing weight you should put your effort into eating right and getting exercise.  It said you can live to 100 if you want!  I worked out my legs this morning with a sheet of exercises called dancers workshop.  No, I don't have legs like a dancer but I feel like it when I do these.  Fool yourself into feeling good it has lasting results.

Get Faith
Psalm 119:173 "Let Your hand  become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts."  The study writer refers to Susanna Wesley as someone who was determined to raise her children in faith.  She had 19 children, 9 lived through infancy and 3 became ministers, John, Charles and a grandson Wesley.  You might recognize the names.  If you are raising children and want them to grow up with merit and morals your best help would come from the Lord.  She lifted each of her children to the Lord everyday in prayer.  I believe the same and insisted Nicole and Aaron go to Sunday School and church every Sunday.  Aaron is Catholic and his children are all baptised and I hope go to church.  Nicole, as anyone who knows me is a better, stronger Christian than I am.  Start young. Lift them to the Lord.

on this day
1979  I had been diagnosed the day before with pleurisy by Doc Hyland.  I was told to stay in bed or be put in the hospital.  I have a history of bronchial and lung problems.  I also have a history of fast living and smoking.  There are consequences.  So, I was laid up at home for weeks.  My ex (sort of) Pete stopped by twice, my current boyfriend Dave wanted to know if I needed anything and lo and behold my ex-husband Don called to talk and was very concerned about my health.  The message here is men can be compassionate and caring, we often forget.

1568 - French forces in Florida slaughtered hundreds of Spanish. This was in war, again, we think the world is violent today?  It has always been.  

Busan South Korea
Located within South Korea's largest industrial area, "The Southeast Economic Zone" (which includes Busan, Ulsan and South Gyeongsang Province), the city is the cultural, educational and economic center of the region. It is the largest portcity in South Korea and the world's fifth busiest seaport by cargo tonnage.[3] The most densely built up areas of the city are situated in a number of narrow valleys between the Nakdong River and the Suyeong River, with mountains separating most of the districts. Administratively, it is designated as a Metropolitan City. The Busan metropolitan area is divided into 15 major administrative districts and a single county.  

Interesting place to see this month!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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