Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6, 2017 Saturday! Derby Day! #circuits#gentleandquietspirit#Momtime#peace#moderndiplomacy!huh

Get Fit
I got through a few sets with Jillian this morning.  Her warm up is enough on some days but I did add a couple of the circuits today.  Steady is as steady does.  Do what you can!

Get Faith
1 Peter 3:4  "Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God."  This is a wonderful message to us today.  "charm of a gentle and quiet spirit..."   I try hard to keep this in mind but, an old nemesis of mine (myself) keeps popping up.  I know two people, near and dear to me that live this statement, Nicole and Kristin.  They keep my nemesis in check.  I'd like to achieve this -"She is a woman of strength and dignity, and has no fear of old age" (Proverbs 31:25)  Wish me luck.

On this day
1982  I went up to Gaylord after work to spend the weekend with Mom and Bob.  I stopped at my neighbors drug store to pick up an antibiotic.  I knew when I had bronchitis or respiratory issues this time of year and he was kind to save me the doctor visit and just gave me the meds.  When I got up north my poor mom was suffering with terrible allergies  that I never remember her having.  She had huge bags under her eyes and was miserable.  Glad I went up - we got her some allergy tabs, had lunch in town and both bought new shoes.  Problems solved.

1576 - The peace treaty of Chastenoy ended the fifth war of religion. Peace treaty to end religious war?  What is wrong with us?  See above "gentle and quiet spirit"......

Busan South Korea
From the beginning of the 15th century, the Korean government designated Busan as a trading port with the Japanese and allowed their settlement. Other Japanese settlements in Ulsan and Jinhae diminished later, but the Busan settlement, called Waegwan at the time, continued until Japan invaded Korea in 1592. After the war, diplomatic relations with the new shogunate in Japan were established in 1607, and Busan Waegwan was permitted to be reconstructed. The Japanese settlement, though relocated into Choryang later, continued to exist until Korea was exposed to modern diplomacy in 1876. In 1876, Busan became the first international port in Korea.  All change appears to come with a cost, doesn't it?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Erin & Barb W!

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