Monday, May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017 Monday Memorial Day #legs#repent#oldfriendmemories#standtogether#

Get Fit
Those 8 - 40 lb bags of dirt did me in, not yesterday, but today.  I tried to help it out with some leg exercises but I think I will have to go to the floor for some yoga - and take some Aleve.

Get Faith
Isaiah 58:8  "If you do these things, God will shed his own glorious light upon you.  He will heal you, your godliness will lead you forward, and goodness will be a shield before you, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind."  I am going to pass on talking about this being about my back.  What do you think that first line "If you do these things" means?  God is speaking to the Israelites who were looking for a quick fix to their ungodly lives. If you repent of your sins (you know which ones)  and live the way we are intended to live (in love and compassions for all) then that glorious light will shine on you and He will be (as always) there for you, (and your back).  I was kidding about not mentioning my back.  He takes care of me, even, when I don't deserve it.  God is good!  Thank you Jesus for the salvation we have in you.

On this day
1976  Pete and I went to Pat's boat at the marina.  His parents and grandparents were on the boat.  It was Memorial Day weekend and the Saturday, so he was probably getting his dutiful son stuff taken care of.  I remember his Mom and Dad well but don't remember the grandparents too much.  After all these years we are still friends although many things have changed.  The following year would have marked the opening of his ice cream truck business and Pat would be sadly missing from a lot of our shenanigans in the summertime.  He still has a boat that he takes out once or twice in the summer.

1453 - Constantinople fell to Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, ending the Byzantine Empire. It appears that most newsworthy items are war and politics, maybe I need a different source.  This was a huge empire, but they all fall when they are divided.  Check your local news today and see if there is a similarity.

Busan South Korea
North Korea fires Scud-class ballistic missile
The isolated but nuclear-armed North has test-fired a missile almost every week for the past three weeks. Here is a perfect example of a country divided.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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