Saturday, May 20, 2017

May 20, 2017 Saturday Armed Forces Day #newbones#Hope#freefood#Nicea#Hiphop!

Get Fit
Photo  Good to know!  don't be a potato chip!  Happy to see I can repair my liver in 5 months. :) Waiting on the skin.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  How ironic that in the last few days Facebook printed this as my chosen verse from the Bible?    Ok, I am getting the message and I agree it is my mantra - I am trying.  It is not the Lord that will fail me, but, myself.  If you are losing a battle with your health, life or peace of mind, remember this verse to renew your strength, commit it to memory.  Ask the Lord for help, He loves you.

On this day
2007  Nicole was on her way home from Florida.  She opted to take a vacation on the day she graduated from Albion College and so we had a modest dinner in Jackson with just the immediate family.  She left right after dinner I believe.  So she wasn't home on this day for her friend Lawrence's grad party from Wayne State, but Mom and I went.  Mom and I seldom missed any celebration and I am happy for that now!

0325 - The Ecumenical council was inaugurated by Emperor Constantine in Nicea, Asia Minor. To Christians this is a memorable date.  Can you repeat the Nicene Creed?

Busan South Korea

BUSAN, South Korea – When one first thinks of Busan, one might automatically jump to the tired labels of “Korea’s city of beaches” or “the vacation town,” as it is known to the locals.  It is widely thought of as a place to unwind, let your hair down, and relax on the sand with a cold one.
While that’s all true, few people realize that it is also home to a robust musical sound-scape and was once considered the musical center of Korea.  Busan boasts a thriving music scene loaded with different musical styles and a wide variety to appeal to every taste, from punk to jazz and ska, metal to indie and electronic, hip-hop to grunge and DJ  — the list goes on.  It could even be considered enough to rival Seoul with its Hongdae area.  I didn't know!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jen!

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