Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 13, 2017 Saturday #Goodhealth#nearGod#Jamaestown#fbusiness!

Get Fit
After going to my massage therapist yesterday I was reminded of the sheet of exercises she gave me a few years ago.  They are part of my regular routine and because they are a sheet of paper with 12 exercises I can pack them if I go away for a few days.  They are stretching and strengthening and best of all they really work.  Abdominal Corset, Gravity Drop, Alternating overhead press, Warrior 11, Butt-Wall squat, Plank, Backstroke, STEMs, Sidelying Thoracic Rotation, Downward Dog, Triangle, Revolving Triangle.  Look them up!  You won't be sorry!

Get Faith
Psalm 73:28  "It is good to be near God.  I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge."  Where is your safe place or what is comforting to you?  When I was a child (6 to 8) I loved to take the rowboat out and lay on the bow of the boat and stare into the water. I could see the little silver minnows in the weeds and the long legged bugs floating on top - oh and I sucked my thumb.  Now I picture myself laying with my head on the Lord's feet and fall asleep in a second.  It is good to be near God.

On this day
1995 -  Spring means softball.  Nicole was 10 and I was the assistant coach for her team.  Saturday mornings were always practice.  I would love to be heading to a diamond and watching those girls hitting the balls and running the bases.  It was a good thing to spend time on this day as my cousin had ripped out my entire kitchen for remodeling.  Ty came over and picked up my dishwasher that was still in perfect working order, I can't imagine him putting it in his house though?  Norma?

1607 - An expedition led by Captain Christopher Newport arrived at Jamestown, Virginia. The passengers went ashore the next day and this site became the first permanent settlement English colony in America. what happened to all those pilgrims from 1492?  Better read my history.

Busan South Korea
Busan is the home of the headquarters of Renault Samsung MotorsHanjin Heavy IndustriesBusan BankAir Busan, Hi Investment & Securities, Woori Aviva Life Insurance, Korea Technology Finance Corporation, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Housing-Finance Corporation, Korea Securities Depository, Korea Housing Guarantee Company, Korea Southern Power Company, BNK Financial Group.
Jagalchi Fish Market is the largest fish market in Korea.
Busan is ranked the fourth best city after Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo among Asia's top convention cities in a 2011 global ranking by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).[25]
Busan was ranked the 27th among 83 cities and top 8 Asia/Pacific centres of the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) published by UK-based Z/Yen Group in March 2014.[citation needed]  Sounds like a financially sound place!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rita and Evan!

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