Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 2017 Sunday #freedom#remember#Ziggy#religiousfreedom

Get Fit
Finally, Memorial Day weekend!  What does it mean to you?  Yardwork? opening the pool?  Going up north to open the cabin, camp?  BBQ? I'm going to the parade today.  I love to watch the bands, the scouts and the vehicles go by,  (Not the clowns, not a fan)  Oh, and not the politicians, they have their own circus.  So, to remember the Veterans, those with us and those who have died in or because of their service - I will stand when the Vets go by and hold my hand to my heart for our flag!  I will exercise my right to all of the freedoms that our great United States afford us.  God Bless the U.S.A!!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23:19  "Listen, my son and daughter, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path." We are fortunate to live in a country that allows us to worship as we choose.  The right to religious freedom is not a world wide gift.  There are countries that kill Christians and countries that kill Muslims.  To die for your faith is not something we in this country are faced with.  Because of that we should live for our faith and thank our Father for our great country and the luck we have to live here.  Our American path of freedom has been won with the loss of a lot of people.  Keep them in your prayers today!  God Bless the U.S,A,

On this day
1974  There was a sign somewhere or someone told me about a lady that had a puppy she wanted to get rid of.  I thought it might be a good friend for my kid brother Mark.  I picked up the dog and brought him home on this day.  It was the sweetest puppy ever.  The parents were neighbors that somehow got through the fence and consummated their friendship.  The father was a full bred, papered Cairn terrier and the mother was a full bred white Scotty show dog.  And so we got - Ziggy Stardust, which is what Mark named the dog.  He was white Scotty in the front and Cairn terrier in the back, like he had pants and a white shirt on.  He was easily trained and extremely smart and had his fathers talent for chasing female dogs, even after he was fixed.  He loved my Austin Healey convertible, the boat and trips up to Gaylord to see Grandma and Grandpa.  He did not like kids. I only had him 7 years but think of him often.  He is kind of the standard for dogs to me.

585 BC - A solar eclipse occurred that had been predicted by Thales Miletus. 

585 BC - The Persian-Lydian battle ended.   These two unrelated things on this day BC?  Wow someone had some good journaling skills!  I wonder if they were related?

Busan South Korea
With the division of Korea into two states after 1945, the communist north and the anti-communist south, the majority of the Korean Christian population that had been until then in the northern half of the peninsula,[7] fled to South Korea.[8] It has been estimated that Christians who emigrated to the south were more than one million.[9] Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the South Korean state enacted measures to further marginalise indigenous Sindo, strengthening Christianity and a revival of Buddhism.[10] According to scholars, South Korean censuses do not count believers in indigenous Sindo and underestimate the number of adherents of Sindo sects.[11] For instance, statistics compiled by the ARDA[12] estimate that as of 2010, 14.7% of South Koreans practice ethnic religion, 14.2% adhere to new movements, and 10.9% practice Confucianism.[13]   I guess another reason we are more aligned with South Korea.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  

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