Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017 Tuesday #muscles!#approach#$1.75#nickel#해동 용궁사

Get Fit
Abs and arms this morning.  After shoveling and working on my yard that looks like a war zone after the water line fiasco,  I think the best thing for sore muscles is to keep moving them, maybe a little slower but move!

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:12  "In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."  Are you leary of facing God?  Afraid of what He thinks of you or would say to you?  Maybe you think he would remand you for your thoughts or behavior.  Read that verse from Ephesians again.  If you have an ounce of belief in God - you have a form of faith, which is believing in something you cannot see.  So, you have the faith and should know that he loves you the same as any other person on this earth.  You may "approach God with freedom and confidence." , to answer your prayers or comfort you when you need it.  He is way above revenge and retaliation,  Jesus, His son, fixed all that.  He loves you.

On this day
2001  This was a red letter day.  I got a raise - $1.75 an hour raise.  I was happy with what they paid me and the raises had come pretty regularly.  But, this was the last one I got, and I worked another 11 1/2 years for him.  I guess most people would have quit, but I was getting closer to retirement and at an age, I thought would mean having a hard time finding another job.  Nicole convinced me to try while I was laid off one year.  I did get job offers but at less pay then I was getting so I toughed it out.  I know now that I could have still been working, but, I really enjoy retirement - even at less income.

1866 - The U.S. Congress authorized the first 5-cent piece to be minted. There was a time in history that a nickel raise was huge!  Now you can't even buy gum with it.

Busan South Korea

Updated: Haedong Yonggungsa Temple – 해동 용궁사 (Gijang, Busan)

Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, which means “Korean Dragon Palace Temple,” in English, was first founded in 1376 by the Venerable monk Naong who was an advisor to King Gongmin. One day in a dream, the Divine Sea god of the East Sea revealed itself to Naong. He was told to construct a temple at the top of Mount Bongrae and the nation would become larger and more stable. So after checking around the nation for a place to build a temple, he found the land where the temple now rests. In the process, he named the temple Bomunsa Temple. However, in 1592, during the Imjin War with Japan, the temple was burned to the ground. It wasn’t until the 1930’s, over 300 years after its destruction, that the Venerable monk Ungang, from Tongdosa Temple, rebuilt the temple. He renamed it Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.  Let's visit here today!  Looks  beautiful!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary I !

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