Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017 Thursday #Yoga#Helpfullcreator#friends#Tewkesbury#Shinsegae 신세계

Get Fit
I have been sitting a lot lately, it happens.  When I woke up my lower back was sore so I opted out of weights and aerobics with Jillian and took the relaxing road to AM yoga.  I know, I take this out a lot but, honest my lower back feels better.  Get in tune with your body and what works best for you - feed it right and move it and maybe the 90's will be worth getting to.

Get Faith
Psalm 121:2  "My help  comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."  It does, no question.  Yes I believe that the Lord helps those that help themselves, but I know too,  that He is the safety net beneath me and that gives me courage to do the things I know I have to do.  I also want to share what the study writer said, with a few alterations. "Thank You for my child Lord.  She is my most precious gift from You.  I look at her and see how she reflects different family members.  I pray she will have Your eyes  and learn the miraculous wonders of Your ways."  And this song "Open the eyes of my heart Lord...I want to see you.  Thank you Lord!!

On this day
1980  (As I look out the window at rain and 40 degrees today)  On this day I laid out on the patio after cleaning it up and sunned in 80 degree temps.  It was a Sunday and I decided to go find something fun to do.  I drove through the marinas looking for people working on their boats or sitting on their boats that were already in the water and visited.  I went to my Uncle Hank's and had a beer with him.  I visited with a lot of people, Sharon, Don C and Tom - bought them ice creams, at Metro I saw Lesko, Charlie and Gino, probably up to no good (RIP),  Wilma, Eva and Monique, must have been on one of their family boats, great memories of a lot of people.  Well, I got the water today.

1471 - In England, the Yorkists defeated the Landcastrians at the battle of Tewkesbury in the War of the Roses.  Where, who, what and why?  More war!  Do you see a pattern?  Why are we surprised?

Busan South Korea

Busan was the host city of the 2002 Asian Games and the APEC 2005 Korea. It was also one of the host cities for the 2002 FIFA World Cup, and is a center for international conventions in Korea. On November 14, 2005, the city authorities officially announced its bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics Games.[4] After Pyeongchang's successful bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics, Busan is considering bidding to host the 2028 or 2032 Summer Olympics.[5]
Busan has Korea's largest beach and longest river, and is home to the world's largest department store, the Shinsegae Centum City.[6]  Let's go shopping at this Mall today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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