Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8, 2017 Monday #don'tsit#prayer#saved#EspirituSanto#Japan/Koreanwars

Get Fit
Dancing with Rita is a good start to this week.  My lower back is acting up, why? because I have been sitting too much.  After doing the warm up my back felt better and I was able to continue.  Don't sit back down if your back hurts, unless of course there is physical damage, then you need to see a doctor.

Get Faith
James 5:16  "The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results."  There are a number of people at my church that are earnest prayers, but this line brought two men to mind.  John and Nate, because of their presence at church, their constant involvement and knowledge of their ongoing faith, I believe are earnest righteous men.  I believe they have God's ear.  I probably do not agree with everything they believe, but that comes with generational teaching.  We have a prayer chain at church and I believe that our prayers are heard by God and have helped many people.  Do not take prayer lightly - you might need it yourself.

On this day
1983  If I hadn't kept a journal during this time I would seriously not remember a thing from this year.  I was sick, hungover and the rest of my house, Andy, Alice and Norma were too.  We went to the Grecian Table for breakfast. It was Orthodox Easter  and Mothers day.  My mom was in Gaylord and I called her, probably even sent a card.  We partied a lot during these days and had a lot of good times but it has taken a toll on our health.  Someone must have been praying for me because my life turned around.  Thank God and pray.

1541 - Hernando de Soto reached the Mississippi River. He called it Rio de Espiritu Santo. Remember this for Jeopardy.  Who changed it to Mississippi?

Busan South Korea
During the Japanese rule, Busan (known in Japanese also as Fusan) developed into a hub trading port with Japan. Busan was the only city in Korea to adopt the steam tramway before electrification was introduced in 1924.[verification needed]
During the Korean War, Busan was one of only two cities in South Korea not captured by the North Korean army within the first three months of the War. As a result, the city became a refugee camp site for Koreans during the war, along with Daegu.    History that is less than 100 years old and yet so familiar.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Gerry and Anna!

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