Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30, 2017 Tuesday #walk#kindness#boating#golden!#seaweed!

Get Fit
Tried to work out with Jillian but my back is still sore from the 8 - 40 lb bags of dirt.  I did the warm up but remembered if it hurts - stop.  A walk might work better.

Get Faith
Philippians 4:19  "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  How? you might ask?  Someone shows up at your door with food when you have just returned from a hospital stay or calls to check on you, answering your needs for care.  Have you donated clothes? Fed the hungry? Made a financial donation to a needy cause?  God cares for our earthly needs by sending us on missions.  Our spiritual needs are answered by Him through the comfort of His word and message.  Jesus told us He is the Word and the way.  What do you need?

On this day
1977  Pete had a 31 foot 1963 Sport Fisherman with the flybridge.  It was wood and a great ride on the water.  Today happened to be Memorial Day in this year and we were busy cleaning the boat.  Later in the day we ran up to Metro and caught up with some friends, Snake and Marianne having a party there.  The boat must have needed too much work for it not to be Put in Bay ready for the holiday weekend.  It was very unlike Pete to miss that except, he started taking me along so it wasn't as much fun I guess.  That was the best boat he had, I thought.

1539 - Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer, landed in Florida with 600 soldiers to search for gold. I wonder how much he found.  Sounds like a good way to spend Memorial Day.  Now it is a good place to spend your golden years. (I have heard)

Busan South Korea
dried SeaweedsPacked and dried seaweed are a great souvenir.  Better stock up as we travel onto our next destination tomorrow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Elizabeth! 

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