Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 14, 2017 Sunday Mother's Day! #Mom'shealth#Momled#yoga#Koreanfaith!

Get Fit
If you are a mom celebrating today - Happy Mother's Day!  It is a huge responsibility to care for another human being and teach them the things they need to know in this world.  Remember, if it isn't too late to teach them good health habits so you can celebrate many healthy holidays together.

Get Faith
John 14: 1-14  Pastor Beebe spoke of the home God has prepared for us in heaven.  Jesus told his disciples on Maundy Thursday about this and they asked how would they know how to find this home and Jesus replied "I am the way and truth and life...."  If you want to find your home with God you need to follow Jesus, he can point you in the right direction! Thank God for those Mom's that led us to the Way.

On this day
1999  This was actually the first year I stated tracking my exercise.  Like most people I had been sporadic, a gym membership or a class here and there but this year I got a chart that I keep track of what I do and now how many steps everyday.  On this day in May, I noticed I hadn't been working out the last two weeks or so and then looking after this day where I mentioned my back was going out - I started back doing yoga, mostly, and hardly missed a day for a month.  And my back got better.  So I'm thinking this was a day of reawakening in how much the exercise helped - just sayin!

1999 - Jess Marlow received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Myron Jess Marlow (November 29, 1929 – August 3, 2014) was a Los Angeles television newsman.  I didn't know either.

Busan South Korea
Religion in South Korea is characterized by the fact that an absolute majority of South Koreans (56.9% as of 2015) have no formal membership in a religious organisation; among those that are members of a religious organisation, there is a dominance of ProtestantismBuddhism, and Roman Catholicism. According to the national census conducted in 2015, 19.7% of the population belongs to Protestantism, 15.5% to Buddhism (Korean Buddhism), and 7.9% to the Roman Catholic Church; in total Christianity is the religion of 27.6% of the Korean population. Buddhism was influential in ancient times, and while Christianity persuaded large segments of the population already in the 18th and 19th century, yet they grew rapidly in membership only by the mid-20th century, as part of the profound transformations that South Korean society has gone through in the past century,[1] and then have shown some decline from the 2000s onwards. Native shamanic religions (i.e. Sindo) remain popular and could represent a large part of the unaffiliated. Indeed, according to a 2012 survey, only 15% of the population declared to be not religious in the sense of "atheism".[2]  
I didn't know and am surprised, I would have guessed Buddhism I think.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kyle!

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