Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017 Monday #Stretch#gifted#beer!#anti-king#Yongdusan!

Get Fit
Started the week with Pure and Simple Stretch.  It must be the right thing to do, stretch I mean.  Look how an animal gets a good stretch when it wakes up from a nap!

Get Faith
James 1:17  "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  The study writer asked what the most treasured gift was that I had ever received.  My daughter first and the wonderful life I have enjoyed, but maybe, best of all my faith.  Ok, my daughter and my faith, but so many other things that I can't list.  I seldom think of the wonderful "things" I have been gifted with.  I am not a good receiver of gifts, I feel like I don't show enough thankfulness to the person that gives them to me.  If you are one of them, please know that I appreciate dearly, the gifts and thoughts that have gone into them.  Thank you for everything!  As for my gifts from God, I prayed that He would keep me close and so, He keeps me poor.

On this day
2009  My boss was in the hospital having a hip replacement.  He wasn't an easy guy to get along with in the first place but this put him over the edge.  He wasn't one of those guys to pay to attention to what the doctors said to do afterwards, either.  But knowing that was going to happen, Nicole had her second kegger on this night and I forgot until Monday that I would have to deal with this.  Now that was a gift!

1246 - Henry Raspe was elected anti-king by the Rhenish prelates in France.  is a would-be king who, due to succession disputes or simple political opposition, declares himself king in opposition to a reigning monarch.  Just wondered.

Busan South Korea
Yongdusan Park is a park located in Jung-guBusanSouth Korea. The 118-meter-high Busan Tower is located here.
Yongdu means “dragon’s head” and “san” means “mountain”. The name is an allusion to the similarity of the mountain park, which is said to resemble a dragon’s head. The park occupies an area of 69,000 square meters. It has 70 different species of trees growing in it.[1]
  How about a visit here today?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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