Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017 Wednesday #Move!#contact#sharing#independence#flying!

Get Fit
How about a warm up, then leg exercises, weights and then some aerobics.  Well balanced right?  Not often I am referred to as well balanced. What is your plan for a work out today?  C''mon !

Get Faith
Psalm 10:17  "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, and you listen to their cry."  God hears all of our prayers and as the study writer said, the lonely can especially feel restored by God's comfort.  God needs us to reach out to the lonely and afflicted, even a card or a phone call can raise someones spirits.  If you are the lonely one, reaching out to someone else in their affliction can come back to you twice.  The joy of helping someone else can lift you out of your own loneliness.  God's angels sent out very often, are us.  Who can you call today?

On this day
1979  I have made a point of keeping in touch with at least one person everyday for a long time.  Back to 1979 I see,  I called Pete's grandmother, Xana, to check on her.  They had little family left and she wasn't speaking to her only daughter. I couldn't figure that out either.  I also called my brother Andy to check in on him and the girls, who were 2 and just born.  My brother Mark had stopped by my work and Pete brought home a little child's purse, from his mom, for Andy's 2 year old Merri. (Pete and I were not getting along then and his mom would find any excuse to send him to my house.)  Now, that was a lot of sharing and caring (and meddling) for one day!

1979 - Zimbabwe proclaimed its independence. Independence is not always good for the people if a good leader is not elected.

Busan South Korea to Cairns Australia
Today is a travel day and I'm sure it will be a long flight. Organize your notes and photos from Busan and get ready for a huge climate and culture change!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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