Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017 Wednesday #meditate#OK#neighbors#Jupiter'sbelt#urbanBusan

Get Fit
Maybe we could meditate with this guy today.  Google this it is funny.

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:1  "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up  anger."
The study writer adds "Lord, I blew it --- again.  A person I care about made an insensitive remark toward me and  before I knew it, I shot back an unkind comment. soon we both spoke harshly and began yelling at each other."  I'm sure I can safely say that we have ALL experienced this.  I, personally am going to try the soft answer of "ok" and walk away looking perplexed as a solution, until I can curb my anger.  Find your answer and meditate on it like the guy above today.  Then pray hard.  We are called to love one another.

On this day
2003  It was a Saturday and I used to take walks around the neighborhood.  I must have worked up an appetite, so when I got home I went up to Eastside Bagel and bought a dozen.  I went to my neighbor's houses and gave out bagels and ended up at Rox's house.  I really miss having her as a neighbor, as well as Ty and Shannon, oh and Al.  Sniff.  Not that I don't like my current neighbors, we just haven't bonded as well, maybe this summer.

1630 - Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi saw the belts on Jupiter's surface.  Sounds creepy, why was he looking at Jupiter's belt?  

Busan South Korea

As Busan was one of the few areas in Korea that remained under the control of South Korea throughout the Korean War, for some time it served as a temporary capital of the Republic of Korea. UN troops established a defensive perimeter around the city known as the Pusan Perimeter in the summer and autumn of 1950. Since then, like Seoul, the city has been a self-governing metropolis and has built a strong urban character.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Suzanne!

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