Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017 Friday #Energize!#Godinthequiet#busy#Avignon#glamour!

Get Fit
Kathy and I did some fat burning aerobics.  I got on the scale after I finished and nope, didn't lose a pound, BUT, I have more energy!  If you want to enjoy this weekend and have energy to do all the things on your list - start with a little energetic dance or run!

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:12-13  "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."  Search for God with all your heart.  Often our prayers are rote, from memory and not spoken with sincerity.  Getting into a time of meditation, quietness and prayer is a practice you need to work on.  Turning off the noise, your phone and the everyday hum of life can be difficult.  God knows how important your time with Him is.  Search for Him with all your heart in the quiet moments of your day.  He will be there, as He always is, but you will have a better sense of His presence.

On this day
2015  Wow! this was a busy day.  My friend Amy was staying at my house for a few days to get back on her feet after back surgery.  Her bedrooms were all upstairs and mine aren't.  Her family were devoted and all here to look in on her.  I loved the house full of people and the comedy they provided ie Glen and my cat.  I was also finishing up editing for my book that was in process of being published and had to go see Mom in her new home that she moved to after a few months of craziness. Then I went to Polish Cafe with my cousins for dinner.  I'll bet I didn't find any quiet time that day.  I do love activity!

1328 - William of Ockham was forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII. Avignon?  did they make this into a movie with those long blue stretchy people?  I think I saw it.

Busan South Korea
Bursting with mountains and beaches, hot springs and seafood, South Korea’s second-largest city is a rollicking port town with tonnes to offer. From casual tent bars and chic designer cafes to fish markets teeming with every species imaginable, Busan has something for all tastes. Rugged mountain ranges criss-crossing the city define the urban landscape, while events such as the Busan International Film Festival underscore the city’s desire to be a global meeting place. Note that Busan is within the boundaries of Gyeongsangnam-do but is a separate administrative unit with its own telephone area code.

It's all glitter, glamour and gossip in October when the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) takes centre stage. Not just about movies – 319 films from 79 countries in 2014 – the real buzz centres on which Korean female starlet will wear the most revealing dress on the red carpet.  Sounds like another place I know!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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