Tuesday, May 9, 2017

May 9, 2017 Tuesday #backpain#give#laatebaby#StJoan#currentelectionnews

Get Fit
I am pushing on! Did some Pilates this morning to get rid of that pesky lower back pain and WaaLAA!  It's gone.  It might hurt a little to start (if too much quit) but slowly get moving and I swear by Pilates for my back.

Get Faith
Proverbs 14:21 "He who has mercy on the poor, happy is he."  We all know how good it makes us feel to help with a mission project, fund raising to feed the poor and even bringing in food for the food closet.  In Toronto, Chris, Helen and I had gone shopping on  Bloor Street and stopped for lunch.  I had seen some street people sitting on the sidewalk with a cup for a donation and even a dog, playing music so when we left with our carry outs from huge lunches I made sure mine was not part of a half eaten sandwich, but wrapped and untouched.  The first one I passed took the bag gratefully and shared a bite with his dog.  The wagging tail was thanks enough.  If you want to be happy, give - it is better than any gift you can get.

On this day
1985   I was a lady in waiting.  Nicole was due on May 12 and I had started having contractions or something.  The doctor had me take leave from work a week ago and said to stay off of my swollen ankles.  I didn't.  I was nesting  - cleaning house, refolding baby clothes and answering the phone.  Norma and Betty called me everyday.  My old boyfriend Pete called most days. ?  Mark, the expectant father barbecued chicken and cooked for me.  Waiting was the right term. (She was born the 24th).

1429 - Joan of Arc defeated the besieging English at Orleans.  Never underestimate the power of a woman,  especially when God has her back!

Busan South Korea
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The Latest on South Korea's presidential election (all times local):
10:45 p.m.
Two major challengers for South Korean president, a conservative and a centrist, conceded defeat Tuesday, paving the way for liberal Moon Jae-in to claim victory in an election that followed months of political turmoil caused by ousted President Park Geun-hye's corruption scandal.
The concessions by conservative Hong Joon-pyo and centrist Ahn Cheol-soo followed exit polls that earlier forecast that Moon would win, ending a decade of conservative rule in South Korea and setting up a sharp departure from recent policy toward nuclear-armed North Korea.
The exit poll of about 89,000 voters at 330 polling stations, jointly commissioned by three major television stations and released just after polls closed, showed Moon receiving 41.4 percent of the vote.  Here is todays current news that will make history.  Let's hope this works well for the current situation in both Korea's.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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