Saturday, September 30, 2017

September 30, 2017 Saturday #Ahhhhyoga#Godknowsbest#thanksted#persevere#Roadtrip!!!

Get Fit
Ahhhh.  Started my day with AM yoga.  These fall days are great for yard work, garage cleaning, art fairs, long walks, etc.  Things that get you moving!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians *;1  "We know that we all possess knowledge.  Knowledge (without God) puffs up, but love builds up." After reading the study writers story I had a better understanding of this verse.   When we think we know what is best through our own knowledge we feel good about ourselves, but, when someone says "you are so smart to think of that", it is so much more meaningful.  The recognition of our ability by another makes it so much better.  Be supportive, tell someone you think they are smart or wise and build them up.

On this day
2009  The boss had a computer expert come in to help walk me through a government program we needed to navigate to deliver material to Selfridge.  We had delivered to them the 16 years I had worked there already, but, we know the government.  It was a new program.  There was never, never! anyone there that knew my job, I literally was self taught at construction, etc.  This was a little beyond my grasp but I found out I had managed it right, according to the expert who asked me more questions than I asked him.  I am just tooting my own horn here - no one at work (boss) ever complemented me on a job well done. (see above).  Ted, the computer guy did.  Thanks Ted.

1962 - James Meredith succeeded in registering at the University of Mississippi. It was his fourth attempt to register. Here is an excellent case of perseverance!

Fresno to Great Falls Road trip!
It is 1268 Miles from Fresno to Great Falls and sounds like a terrific trip to me. The map says we head north to Modesto.
Modesto  lunch here?
Then we drive north to Sacramento:
WE drive through Tahoe National Forest
 Then on to Reno
RenoWe can spend the night here and you can lose some money!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Julie!!

Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29, 2017 Friday! #plantoexercise#Healthyfear#RIP#noWar#Pics!

Get Fit
Integral aerobics and weights today.  Two minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weights.  Feels like it works and maybe a walk later.  Also it is house cleaning day and that counts, even if it is just the steps.  Try to figure in where  you will get some exercise at the beginning of your day and plan on it.

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33  "The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor."  I think we lost a lot of Christians due to "the fear of the Lord".  They used to preach hellfire and damnation in the name of God and people decided that they would ignore this and it would go away, and it did, for many people.  Our God is first of all a loving and smart Father who has put our welfare first, above, even His own Son.  He is all powerful, yes and you should fear being separated from Him for any reason.  He loved us first while we were still sinners.

On this day
2006  Life changes.  Mom and I packed up and drove up to Uncle Hank's and spent the night with him.  Aunt Theresa was having surgery the next day and we wanted to be with Uncle Hank while he waited.  It really made Aunt Theresa happy to see us there.  They were such a loving couple and a great model for what marriage is supposed to be.  I really loved them and miss them both now. RIP

1789 - A regular army was established by the U.S. War Department with several hundred men. As compared to an irregular army?  And I don't think they call it THE WAR DEPARTMENT anymore.

Fresno California
Last day here today.  WE move tomorrow!
File:Fresno CA Van Ness portal.JPG - WikipediaState of Downtown Breakfast - That Fresno BlogFresno, CA | My cake house | Pinterest

Thought I would share a few of my pictures.  :)

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Allison, Robyn, Bev and Mike!!♡♡♡💔💔💔💔

Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017 Thursday #Disco!#bettergoodthanevil#change#counterfeiting#Dinnertheater!

Get Fit
I will certainly be broken hearted when my Richard Disco workout bites the dust.  Nothing like starting out the day on that note!

Get Faith
Romans 12:21  "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  I was reading about a hymn written by a young man of 18 back in 1864.  It was mentioned that it was unusual because so many young people are more entertained by evil than good, since the beginning of time ie; Cain, Josephs brothers, the prodigal son to name a few.  It is easier to be "good" when we are older and more settled.   "..overcome evil with good" can be something to think about today, for all of us.

On this day
2004 - I was still involved teaching Sunday School.  I miss it but have found I appreciate Bible Study, learning, better than teaching these days.  Today I went to study on Lutheranism 101.  They are teaching from a Missouri Synod book and I feel like I am back in Catechism class.  The ELCA and LCMS are somewhat different Lutheran churches.  The basics are the same.  After working on my lesson back on this day I heard from my friend Norma that they were moving into their new house (that they currently live in.)  We always hope that change is for the better, in all things.

2004 - The U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. Secret Service introduced the first newly redesigned $50 bill. I'm going to guess that counterfeiting was the reason for the two agencies involvement.

This sounds like great fun before leaving Fresno!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017 Wednesday #betterweather#sweetcommunion#homecoming#nopeace#fair!

Get Fit
All winter I wait for spring/summer so I can go outside and walk, now it is fall and I am waiting for it to cool down so I can go outside and walk.  Can you say global warming?

Get Faith
Psalm 116:13 "I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord."  Jesus is our "cup of salvation" and we should call on Jesus to raise our prayers and concerns to God.  Although this is from the old testament, I also think of communion when I read this line.  I always feel closest to the Lord when I am taking the sacrament of communion.  Lutherans believe that the body and blood of Jesus Christ is under the bread and wine, the The Lord's supper is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Mystic sweet communion with God for the forgiveness of sin.  Your sins are forgiven as you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.  Think, if you will of a thanksgiving dinner with family, a reunion of love and togetherness.

On this day
2002 - I had been watching them but his was my first opportunity to be in the Homecoming parade.  I rode in the van with Judy and threw candy out to the parade goers.  It was also the best way to get to the athletic field to work the concession stand for the game.  Seems like I spent the better part of four years in the outdoor and indoor concession stands.  Not complaining, I loved it. I was blessed with the gift of being a Mom.

2002 - Vince Neil pled guilty to a misdemeanor battery charge for allegedly attacking a record producer in West Hollywood on April 28,  Seriously?  Even the music business can't agree on anything and are brought to violence.  I don't get it people!

Fresno California
The Big Fresno Fair is the largest annual event in the Central Valley, attracting more than 600,000 people each October during its two-week run featuring exhibits, a livestock show, live horse racing, musical entertainment, educational programs and more. The Fair provides a link between urban and rural California, serving as a tool in educating Valley residents on the region's rich agricultural industry who might have otherwise not understood the importance or vastness of this commerce on the region. The mission of The Big Fresno Fair is to "Educate, Celebrate and Have Fun."
In addition to being the site of the annual Fair, the Fresno Fairgrounds serves as a year-round rental facility that spans 165 acres held under a 50-year lease with the County of Fresno. The Fresno Fairgrounds hosts more than 250 annual events such as conventions, trade shows and banquets located in Fresno, California.
Looks like a state fair and would be great fun today!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Tony and Christian!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017 Tuesday #setthebar#truth#adversary#nowweknowFresnoArtMuseum!

Get Fit
Worked out the abs and arms with the video today.  I used the 5 lb weights and got through 6 sets and did 4 reps of the ab workouts.  Not bad for an old broad, but I should be doing better.  Set the bar high for yourself!

Get Faith
Psalm 86:11  "Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth.  Unite my heart to fear Your name."  I have worked harder at learning God's words lately.  It is easier to spend time on when you are older (supposedly).  I taught Sunday School for 25 years, maybe more, and found that I learned more than I taught.  It is so empowering to teach a Bible story to another and have a light go on.  We need to be careful to not add our own "take" to a story.  The stories have certain truths that can be twisted to mean something else and I never wanted to be responsible for leading someone the wrong way.  Even here I try to stay right on the verse offered and not change it.  Feel free to call me out if you notice that happening.

On this day
2000 - Nicole was in 10th grade and playing basketball.  They played one of their nemesis's LakeShore here in St Clair Shores, the other being Lakeview the other SCS high school.  They were always super charged with tension and very well attended games  Nicole's Aunt Jan came along to watch, Lakeshore was her high school but I'm sure she was still rooting for Nicole's team that day!  I didn't jot down the end score which only means one thing. :(

2000 - The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. The act states that an infant would be considered to have been born alive if he or she is completely extracted or expelled from the mother and breathes and has a beating heart and definite movement of the voluntary muscles. I would have to agree with this statement and wonder why it had to be acted on in a political arena?  Was it also passed by the Supreme court?  

Fresno California
Fresno Art Museum
The Fresno Art Museum is an art museum in Fresno, California. The museum's collection includes contemporary art, modern artMexican and Mexican-American art, and Pre-Columbian sculpture.[1]


According to the museum website, the museum descends from the Fresno Art League, a group of local artists that was founded in the late 1940s and that gathered sufficient community support to incorporate as the Fresno Art Center in 1949 and to erect an Art Center building in Radio Park in 1960. The American Association of Museums granted the Art Center accreditation in 1973. In 1985 the name was changed to Fresno Arts Center and Museum, and in 1988 changed again to Fresno Art Museum.[2]

sounds like a great place to spend the day and pick up some souvenirs!

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Kelli, Amanda and Lyndsey!

  1. Jump up

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017 Monday #Sleepapnea#Goodplan!#Lovethyneighbor#badplan#Eatwell!

Get Fit
I hate not being on game but I always have a game plan.  I recently read an article about slim beautiful womens sleep disorder.  I know one friend who most likely has this and I'm thinking I might have it despite the name, which I don't feel I fall under.  It explained that the tongue was too large and would fall back into the throat in deep sleep and shut off the airwave.  The sleeper would naturally wake up.  It was in a Spring Elle magazine so if you are interested or know someone look into it!  If you don't sleep well (I don't) it is worth looking into.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:11-13  "For I know the plans I have for you, "says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest."  Plans.  (I don't read this first, honest)  The word plan is related to something that will happen in the future, do you agree?  Then, the word plan is a promise that you will have one (a future) and in this statement God offers hope for your future and tells you what His part in it will be!  Good plan!!!!

On this day
1999  A lot of the days during this time were all about my neighbors.  We were a close group, always outside together or something.  I had gone for a walk (it was a Saturday) and brought Nicole back a muffin and Cappuccino (probably from a coffee shop a block away that is no longer there. (too bad).
Then I took Nicole for a DDS appt to get her teeth cleaned and dropped her off at bowling.  My neighbor Roxanne's son, Carmen was home, I think he had moved to California and Craig's Mom Karen called me.  I cut the lawn, Nicole had Laura B over and then Jameson came by after dinner.  I am not sure if this was escalating into the busy life we now live or just practice for days to come.  Plan on being busy!  (But sleep well)

1492 - The crew of the Pinta, one of Christopher Columbus' ships, mistakenly thought that they had spotted land. Do I assume they got this information from the ship's log?  Like LAND AHOY! Then the next day - nevermind.

Fresno County Products
When I pulled up this site I got - Cotton, alfalfa, oranges, almonds, peaches, tomatoes, and livestock.
And this interesting info:
GOATS 1. Buck Is a male goat 2. Doe Is a female goat 3. Wether - Altered male goat 4. Kid A goat under the age of 6 months 5. Kidding -  Giving birth to their young 6. Udder Milk gland, where their milk comes from 7. Gestation Five months The goat is part of a very large family of animals called “RUMINANTS”. The special name that they have is due to the make up of their stomach. Animals in this class are very different than any other animal. They have four stomachs and have no teeth on the upper jaw. Many times as you walk through the barns you will see these animals chewing their “Cud”.  If you like goats, as I do this might be interesting.  Last week here enjoy!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

September 24, 2017 Sunday #

Get Fit
It is important to have a healthy outlook on life, as well as a fit body.  If you are dealing with depression which can lead to so many other issues - find someone to talk to and get yourself back on the right track to enjoying your life.

Get Faith
The sermon this morning was based on Jonah.  While Pastor talked I got the message that the city of Nineveh were referred to as bad people.  Jonah was to go there and speak to the people and save their lives.  Jonah, didn't like the people of Nineveh and ran away rather than go to them on God's order.  He even said he would rather die than save these bad people. God told Jonah that He loved these people and wanted them for his own.  What struck me was, that Jonah thought he knew better than God who should be saved.  We make that mistake as well.  We have decided that some people should not be accepted as God's people into the church, that some whole groups or nations are not worthy of God's love.  How dare we?  Yes, I believe in repent and be saved - but don't be that person who knows what other peoples sins are, just concern yourself with your own.

On this day
1995  Nicole was only ten and so subject to go with me whether she wanted to or not.  I often think of my home and life out on Maceday lake.  I loved it there, it holds my favorite memories of childhood. Anther reason might be that my Dad was still with us and life was different.  So on this day I dragged Nicole out to the old house, which looks nothing like it did when I was a child.  The orchard on our side lot now holds another house and the back lot where we had a huge garden and a beautiful weeping willow is a huge home.  Then I took her to Andersonville elementary school and told her about Laughing John, the horror story that was backed up by some poor guy that apparently lived in the ravine in a lean to shack behind the school.  Strangely enough the remnants of his "home" were still there.  It was a great day, well for me.

1995 - Three decades of Israeli occupation of West Bank cities ended with the signing of a pact by Israel and the PLO. 

My computer quit on me yesterday - this is to finish

Hope you enjoyed the day and did something memorable!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017 Saturday#Harvest#God'swisdom#biketoday!#

Get Fit
Worked in a community garden this morning.  Reaped the produce, delivered it to the neighbors, cleaned out the plants, weeded and spread mulch in anticipation of a better harvest next year.  Hope blooms eternal.  Thanks to Sue for organizing and Lifebuilders for everything they do for God's people.

Get Faith
Psalm 104:24  "O Lord, how manifold are Your works!  In wisdom You have made them all."  It is amazing how a simple tomato seed can be planted into the ground, grow into a small plant in spring and produce what seems like a billion tomatoes at harvest time.  That one thing is beyond wonder and yet look around you!  All the food He imagined into our world for us to eat and be healthy, to look at and enjoy.  His creation is a gift unimaginable to us.  "how manifold are Your works!"

On this day
1992  Nicole would have been 7, Aaron 14.  Maybe Aaron went to the  boat show at Metro or he might have come with Nicole and I on the bike ride.  I very often had a few bike riders with me but when they started getting older they liked to ride in the street.  I was a stick in the mud and if they were not 12 they had to stay on the sidewalk, which created problems.  I made them stop at stop signs and when they were little they had to walk their bikes across the street.  I can still hear375# the moaning.  I thought I had trained them well but Joey, as a teenager got hit by a car and got a broken leg.  Failed on him I guess.  On this day I rode by my cousin Kathy's for a short visit (the troops got restless).

1642 - The first commencement at Harvard College, in Cambridge, MA, was held. That would make for a 375 year reunion!!

Fresno California
Hands down the cutest Mexican Restaurant in Fresno. It feels like you're in Mexico. As soon as we walked in it smelled like authentic Mexican food. We asked to sit outside since the patio is really where it is at. I tried the Jamiaca & lemonade, they're both awesome. The waiter was very attentive. The food was great and a special shoutout to the girls making the handmade tortillas. I had the agua chiles, which are not for the light hearted. They are so spicy and brought me to tears but in a good way. Definitely try it out!  El Patio!!!Photo of El Patio Restaurant - Fresno, CA, United States
Not what I'm bring tonight but looks good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017 Friday #firstdayoffalland90degrees!

Get Fit
I did some Pilates this morning.  That and the humidity to melt off some pounds should be sufficient.

Get Faith
Psalm 46  "Be still, and know that I am God."  Can you? Be still and know that God is with you?  I try in the morning to get a thought in my head, lately a hymn, and meditate on that thought.  When you are accustomed to racing and pre thinking everything it is so hard to disengage from life.  The pictures of people being in a pasture, by a river, up on a mountain or even by a fireplace in a comfortable chair are unrealistic.  Although it is suggested  that you find that quiet place very often there isn't one around.  I have taken to times when I am stuck in traffic, in a parking lot before or after shopping, sitting in the car when I am too early for an appointment.  That is my best shot at lone time.  The nice thing to remember is that when YOU are ready for God time - HE is always ready for you.
Be still and know that HE is God.

I have been confronted lately with many people telling me they have a gay grandchild, or child or nephew etc.  The reason is that they know my daughter is and that I don't have a problem with it.  I advise them that if this child/person has confided in them that they feel they are safe with you.  Please, be there for them, listen to what they are saying and don't be judgemental.  Accept them for who they are and support and love them.  Please remind them that you will always be there for them and that they can come to you with any problem they are having.  The suicide rate for young people dealing with alternate life issues is horrific, don't let your child be one of them.  If you are conflicted with faith issues, first of all remember that Jesus was all accepting.  These issues are normal differences that occur, like eye color, skin color, curly or straight hair, I would be surprised to know that someone made a choice to be gay only because it is a difficult life due to insecurities on some peoples part.  They are most often not a result of abuse or training, they are natural occurrences.  If you are afraid for their faith you need to remind them that they are acceptable and loved by a God that is not bound by human standards.  You also need to refresh your own faith.  I welcome replies on this statement.

On this day
1988  I worked two days a week during this time to pay for our family health insurance.  I was back working at Quality and on this day there were only 4 people there.  Chris had gone up to Toronto to see family.  On the way home I stopped at Leo Knight Photography, wonder if they are still there.  Mark was at the boat store as usual and Marty was out somewhere so it was just Nicole and I for dinner.  Aaron called, probably to see what was going on for the weekend, (Nicole and I loved when he was here.)  Mark was selling boat race videos then and a couple guys, Jim Covalle and Mike Drury stopped by to pick up some - they were not cheap.

1988 - Canada's government apologized for the internment of Japanese-Canadian's during World War II. They also promised compensation. That was nice I wonder if we did the same?  I hope so.

Fresno California

Sunnyside Diner

151 reviews on Yelp
Seafood Restaurant
Open Now·6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Variety of Food. Burgers, Burritos, Tacos, Salads, Sandwiches, Seafood, and Soups. (menu varies, depending on season)   This gives us an idea what to bring to tomorrow's gathering. (Not the kale and weed salad I suggested to Deb)

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Heather, Kristin and Michael!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017 Thursday #muscles#getwell#40andable#noking#SouthwestFresno

Get Fit
Work out with weights today!  Show off those muscles!

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not be faint."  This is my mantra this year and today it shows up in my Bible Devotional.  It is like a good friend to me now, reassuring.  Be one of those who hope in the Lord - let Him help you soar, run and walk.  Do not sit and wait to feel better.  This is like a message to get motivated in living!

On this day
1987  Nicole was a two year old and I was home loving every minute of it.  Mom had moved into her home in Eastpointe and we were still painting.  I did the bathroom on this day while Mom played with her grand daughter.  We stopped by the boat store on our way home to see Grandpa.  When we got home I raked leaves and cut the lawn, then made dinner did some laundry and bathed Nicole befor putting her to bed.  Then I ironed.  I turned 40 this year and it appears I was trying to prove something.  

1792 - The French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy. Wow!  Down with the king!

The "West Side" of Fresno, also often called "Southwest Fresno", is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city. The neighborhood lies southwest of the 99 freeway (which divides it from Downtown Fresno), west of the 41 freeway and south of Nielsen Ave (or the newly constructed 180 Freeway), and extends to the city limits to the west and south. The neighborhood is traditionally considered to be the center of Fresno's African-American community. It is culturally diverse and also includes significant Mexican-American and Asian-American (principally Hmong or Laotian) populations.
The neighborhood includes Kearney Boulevard, named after early 20th century entrepreneur and millionaire M. Theo Kearney, which extends from Fresno Street in Southwest Fresno about 20 mi (32 km) west to Kerman, California. A small, two-lane rural road for most of its length, Kearney Boulevard is lined with tall palm trees. The roughly half-mile stretch of Kearney Boulevard between Fresno Street and Thorne Ave was at one time the preferred neighborhood for Fresno's elite African-American families. Another section, Brookhaven, on the southern edge of the West Side south of Jensen and west of Elm, was given the name by the Fresno City Council in an effort to revitalize the neighborhood's image. The isolated subdivision was for years known as the "Dogg Pound" in reference to a local gang, and as of late 2008 was still known for high levels of violent crime.  Every city has "that" neighborhood.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Paradise!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20, 2017 Wednesday# Thinkandbelieve#shopping#anythingforspice#nicedigs!

Get Fit
The mind is everything. What you think you become.
well there!  good suggestion Buddha!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:13  "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  This year I have committed to memory these verses to push me ahead.  The other one is Isaiah 40:31.  When the Word tells you that your health can be restored you should listen.  Why wouldn't you?  Look up ^, even Buddha believed that you can believe in yourself, I add the wisdom of believing in God first.

On this day
1985  Nicole was almost 4 months old and had been traveling quite a bit already.  I took her to boat races, and Mom's up in Gaylord but, our most often trip was to Lakeside Mall with Grandma Luvy, which we did on this day.  We went at least once a week.  Grandma loved Lord and Taylor and funny enough it became one of Nicole's favorite stores until Dick's sporting goods took over.  She did inherit her Grandmothers love of shopping though, and her expensive taste.  

1519 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan left Spain to find a route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. Magellan was killed during the trip, but one of his ships eventually made the journey. Man those Portuguese really traveled and persevered didn't they?


Huntington Boulevard[edit]

Huntington Boulevard
Homes from the early 20th century line this boulevard in the heart of the historic Alta Vista Tract. The section of Huntington Boulevard between First Street on the west to Cedar Avenue on the east is the home to many large, stately homes. The original development of this area began circa 1910, on 190 acres of what had been an alfalfa field. The Alta Vista Tract, as the land would become known, was mapped by William Stranahan for the Pacific Improvement Corporation, and was officially platted in 1911. The tract's boundaries were Balch Avenue on the south, Cedar Avenue on the east, the rear property line of Platt Avenue (east of Sixth Street) and Platt Avenue (west of Sixth Street) on the north, and First Street on the west. The subdivision was annexed to the city in January 1912, in an election that was the first in which women voted in the community. At the time of its admission to the city, the Alta Vista Tract was uninhabited but landscaped, although the trees had to be watered by tank wagon. In 1914 developers Billings & Meyering acquired the tract, completed street development, provided the last of the necessary municipal improvements including water service, and began marketing the property with fervor. A mere half decade later the tract had 267 homes. This rapid development was no doubt hastened by the Fresno Traction Company right-of-way along Huntington Boulevard, which provided streetcar connections between downtown and the County Hospital.
The surrounding streets, Kerckhoff and Balch Avenues (which are part of the original Alta Vista tract), have homes from the Arts and Crafts era, which, like the downtown, are being renovated and brought back to their historic roots. During Christmas, the homes along the boulevard are adorned with lights and decorations. The nation's tallest living Christmas Tree, at Huntington and 6th Street, is the highlight of the event.
Huntington Boulevard has been referred to as Fresno's "anti-gated community". [ 3  
Sounds like a nice upscale place to live!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Joann, Kristina & Liz!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 19, 2017 Tuesday #Salsa!#Gospel#Whaaaat?#:-)#theater!

Get Fit
Did some dancing with Rita this morning, nothing like a little salsa to get you going!

Get Faith
Psalm 18:35 "You have also given me the shield of Your salvation.  Your right hand has held me up."
When I read something from the old testament I am always surprised when I hear the Gospel message.  The truth is that Christ is one with God and has been present since the beginning.  King David did write the psalms and for good reason needed God's salvation and protection and was the ancient relative of Jesus' earthly family.  So, to read in this psalm that the shield, which I think is Jesus, to protect our eternal life with God AND that His "right hand" which is also a reference to Jesus I am no longer surprised.  God has set our right to heaven in a promise through our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ.  Good news for today.

On this day
1982  Was a Sunday and a strange mix of people went to Pat and Pam's house.  Andy called, he was up in St Helen, which explains why Alice came over and with Linda and I went to the Hylands (not sure which house this was at).  Don Schwartz, Rich (Bolger) from SCS Court I think and Ty came with kids.  I am thinking they were Sandy Black's kids that Ty brought.  I know this was just prior to Linda moving to Texas and I see that we spent almost every day together.  Pat had initiated this whole thing by stopping by my house in the morning.  Sure would like to hear from you if you remember this day! Oh, I had quit smoking so was probably not my normal sweet self. lol.

1982 - Scott Fahlman became the first person to use :-) in an online message. Wow!  This is huge!  did you know that this happened in 1982?  


This vibrant and culturally diverse area of retail businesses and residences experienced a renewal after a significant decline in the late 1960s and 1970s.[citation needed] After decades of neglect and suburban flight, the neighborhood revival followed the re-opening of the Tower Theatre in the late 1970s, which at that time showed second and third run movies, along with classic films. Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater & Good Company Players also opened nearby in 1978,[35] at Olive and Wishon Avenues. Fresno native Audra McDonald performed in the leading roles of Evita and The Wiz at the theater while she was a high school student. McDonald subsequently became a leading performer on Broadway in New York City and a Tony award-winning actress. Also in the Tower District is Good Company Players' 2nd Space Theatre.
The Tower District has become a hub for community events such as Jamaica My Weekend, Mardi Gras in February, Gay Pride Parade, car shows, A Taste of The Tower, Halloween in the Tower, and the Farmer's Market opened on the North-West Corner of Olive and Van Ness.
The neighborhood features restaurants, live theater and nightclubs, as well as several independent shops and bookstores, currently operating on or near Olive Avenue, and all within a few hundred feet of each other. Since renewal, the Tower District has become an attractive area for restaurant and other local businesses. Today, the Tower District is also known as the center of Fresno's LGBT and hipster Communities.;[36] Additionally, Tower District is also known as the center of Fresno's local punk/goth/deathrock and heavy metal community.[citation needed]
The area is also known for its early twentieth century homes, many of which have been restored in recent decades. The area includes many California Bungalow and American Craftsman style homes, Spanish Colonial Revival Style architectureMediterranean Revival Style architectureMission Revival Style architecture, and many Storybook houses designed by Fresno architects, Hilliard, Taylor & Wheeler. The residential architecture of the Tower District contrasts with the newer areas of tract homes urban sprawl in north and east areas of Fresno.  Sounds like a lot of opportunities for fun to me!  The history sounds vaguely familiar as a city that re invented itself!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18, 2017 Monday #stayheallthyfirst#LoveHimback#Cake#TowerTheater!

Get Fit
Best advice I can give you today is don't smoke.  I did for 25 years and now I have COPD and have had 20% of my right lung removed due to cancer.  On days like today, the humidity makes it very hard to breathe.  I use an inhaler but it isn't the same as having healthy lungs and bronchioles.  Do yourself a favor.  The other is don't overeat like I did yesterday - I know today what an anaconda feels like after swallowing a side of beef.  Just waiting to shed my skin and I'll be fine.

Get Faith
Psalm 145:20  "The Lord watches over all who love him."  I know that the Lord looks after me, I have felt his guidance, concern and care all of my life.  I kind of believe that He watches over ALL people and that this statement could mean that only those who love Him are aware of it.  The others never thank Him or acknowledge His presence in their life.  Which one are you?

On this day
1981  Today is Adele's birthday, Merri and Lindsey,s Mom.  I had them over for pizza cake and ice cream at my house.  We always celebrated birthdays together and still do for the most part!  Adele and I both turned ?? this year, at least we keep turning! Right Adele?

1981 - A museum honoring former U.S. President Ford was dedicated in Grand Rapids, MIHave you been there?  I have not, maybe way down on the bucket list!

Fresno California

Tower District[edit]

The popular neighborhood known as the Tower District is centered around the historic Tower Theatre, which is included on the National List of Historic Places.[32] The theater was built in 1939 and is at Olive and Wishon Avenues in the heart of the Tower District. (The name of the theater refers to a well-known landmark water tower, which is actually in another nearby area). The Tower District neighborhood is just north of downtown Fresno proper, and one-half mile south of Fresno City College.[33] Although the neighborhood was previously known as a residential area, the early commercial establishments of the Tower District began with small shops and services that flocked to the area shortly after World War II. The character of small local businesses largely remains today. To some extent, the businesses of the Tower District were developed due to the proximity of the original Fresno Normal School, (later renamed California State University at Fresno). In 1916 the college moved to what is now the site of Fresno City College one-half mile north[34] of the Tower District.  Shall we go to the theater today?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Adele and Jacki!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017 Sunday #Dayoff#Dogoodersunite!#Mr. C's#Israel#pooltime!

Get Fit
It's Sunday, my day off.

Get Faith
Galatians 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  We all know what it is like to try and assist someone in doing better and having it not happen.  It is disparaging and makes us question our own ability to help and the reality of long term need.  We are encouraged by one person that comes back and says, thanks for the help, to pick up where we left off and go back to doing good.  Often we can work a food closet for years and never see what the result of what that food has done.  It might have tied a family over a rough spot, it might have been the life saver for an elderly person, it might have meant a week of meals to a child that hadn't been getting regular meals.  We don't see it, but we have to believe that it does the good that we put our time in for.  When you get weary, trust the Lord is working in your good deeds to encourage another to do the same.

On this day
1978  This day was a lot of memories of friends that have helped me out.  On this year I went to work at Mr. C's for my friend Chris.  She had a beer and wine store on Auburn road for a few years and my brother Mark and I worked it on occasion for her.  I have worked two jobs many times in my life out of necessity.  My friends have always been there to provide a hand up for me and words can't say how much it has been appreciated.  I actually enjoyed spending the day in the old narrow store, I remember the smell of it - old wood and ?, but cozy.  I also loved the people that ran in for milk, bread or beer and had some great conversations and interesting lunches.  Find joy in everything you do or don't do it.

1394 - In France, Charles VI published an ordinance that expelled all Jews from France. Did you know this?  We always find someone to pick on - don't think you can solve it but don't lose hope.

Fresno If you are staying here, lets have a morning swim!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, September 16, 2017

September 16, 2017 Saturday #Jillian#Believe#slipperyslope#Christmasafloat#FultonMall

Get Fit
Started the day with Jillian.  Circuit training with light weights gets amazing results!  Do what you can!

Get Faith
Matthew 9:29  "It shall be done to you according to your faith."  This sounds ominous but in the entire context it is not.  Jesus gave sight back to two blind men, He asked them in advance if they believed He could heal them and they both replied yes.  So now, what does that verse mean?  They were healed because they believed in Christ.  Our faith keeps us in touch with God, it helps Him to help us when we ask him and believe that He can.

On this day
1977  The Old Heidelberg in Mt Clemens set up huge tents for their Oktoberfest every year.  On this day Pete and I went to join with a huge group of friends to commandeer a picnic table to stand on and declare that "WE ARE TABLE NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!"  The more beer, the louder we got and the longer the lines were to the porta potties!  At an hour at the height of the noise, able bodied men (usually) climbed the posts (that held up the tent) to race to the top.  This was both foolish, dangerous and extremely entertaining.  This year, the people that set the tents up greased the poles (to try and stop this) with axle grease to make it more entertaining.  Pete was not deterred, he went up anyway and was covered with smelly gross axle grease.  When we left the tent to go home he didn't want to get into his precious gold Toronado with the grease so he stood behind the car stripped down and put the clothes in the trunk.  We could have snuck home unnoticed but he was way too much an exabitionist for that.  I was hiding on the floor in the front seat.  A memory for my friends from this day.

1620 - The Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England. The ship arrived at Provincetown, MA, on November 21st and then at Plymouth, MA, on December 26th. There were 102 passengers onboard. I wonder what kind of Christmas celebration that was, no tree, no big dinner - maybe just a carol sing.  There is always that!

Fulton Street in Downtown Fresno was Fresno's main financial and commercial district before being converted into one of the nation's first pedestrian malls in 1964.[30] Renamed the Fulton Mall, the area contains the densest collection of historic buildings in Fresno. While the Fulton Mall corridor has suffered a sharp decline from its heyday, the Mall includes some of the finest public art pieces in the country, including a casting of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's bronze "The Washer Woman", reportedly the only one of the six castings that one can walk up to and touch. Current plans call for the reopening of the Fulton Mall to automobile traffic. The public art pieces will be restored and placed near their current locations and will feature wide sidewalks (up to 28' on the east side of the street) to continue with the pedestrian friendly environment of the district.[31]
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - THE WASHERWOMAN "La Petite Laveuse ...  She somehow makes it look effortless!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Deb! 

Friday, September 15, 2017

September 15, 2017 Friday #picklejuice#growingdeeper#tsktsk#Liberty#Fresnorecentnews

Get Fit
I have been drinking pickle juice lately.  You know the juice left in the jar (dill) after the pickles are gone, and speaking of gone, so are my nightly leg cramps.  Yes, I still take Magnesium, but I still had minor leg cramps and someone told me vinegar would help so I started drinking the pickle juice.  I have gotten accustom to it, not sure if just eating the pickles would work but, I am considering adding vodka for a night time cocktail.  Hey!  we do what we can.

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:18-19  "May you be able to feel and long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves....And so at last you will be filled up with God himself."  I really like this verse and am not familiar with it.  Sorry I have missed it because I have long attempted to understand His width and depth and to what extent He loves us.  It is virtually impossible to know.  I do believe that that closer you get to understanding the more Spirit you have residing in you - the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Keep growing in faith!

On this day
1975  I was still living in Birmingham and despite many rough spots in our relationship, Pete and I were still together.  We partied so hard and drank way to much and very often it caught up with us.  After coming home from a party, at Pete's coach house apt, he became really ill with a burning hot fever.  He had an old wound from a motorcycle accident that when stressed it would ulcerate.  After a bad night I called Pat (same Pat as now) and asked him if his dad could give Pete some Penicillin for his leg which was bright red.  Dr Hyland gave him meds with the promise he would come in and see him asap. I came down sick that day too, probably from the lifestyle and stress, called in sick to work and took care of Pete and made dinner.  All in the promise of being ok for the next weekend.  tsk

 1775 - An early and unofficial American flag was raised by Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Mott after the seizing of Fort Johnson from the British. The flag was dark blue with the white word "Liberty" spelled on it. Monday September 15, 2014 | KALW  There you see it!

Fresno California
Fresno - FRESNO, Calif. -- Thursday marks 40 days without a murder in Fresno.
"The fact that we have had a reduction over the last few months doesn't just happen," said Chief Jerry Dyer with the Fresno Police Department.
Before this streak there was an explosion of homicides and shootings. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said murders are up 70.8% from last year because of it. He and his team created a strategy to stop the violence.

"We focused on those individuals that were the most violent and those individuals we targeted for arrest," said Chief Dyer.

Chief Dyer said first they set up operation Alpha Dog, where they wire tapped Bull Dog gang members. Officers were able to monitor their activity and prevent 6 shootings.
The department also targeted suspects involved in criminal activity living amongst the homeless, implemented a domestic violence response team and worked to apprehend those suspects within the first three days of committing assault.
Chief Dyer said they can't do this all on their own. The department works with gang outreach groups,
including Joby Jones with the Fresno Street Saints.  This was posted on Sept 14, 2017.

 Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chelsea!