Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017 Wednesday #betterweather#sweetcommunion#homecoming#nopeace#fair!

Get Fit
All winter I wait for spring/summer so I can go outside and walk, now it is fall and I am waiting for it to cool down so I can go outside and walk.  Can you say global warming?

Get Faith
Psalm 116:13 "I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord."  Jesus is our "cup of salvation" and we should call on Jesus to raise our prayers and concerns to God.  Although this is from the old testament, I also think of communion when I read this line.  I always feel closest to the Lord when I am taking the sacrament of communion.  Lutherans believe that the body and blood of Jesus Christ is under the bread and wine, the The Lord's supper is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Mystic sweet communion with God for the forgiveness of sin.  Your sins are forgiven as you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.  Think, if you will of a thanksgiving dinner with family, a reunion of love and togetherness.

On this day
2002 - I had been watching them but his was my first opportunity to be in the Homecoming parade.  I rode in the van with Judy and threw candy out to the parade goers.  It was also the best way to get to the athletic field to work the concession stand for the game.  Seems like I spent the better part of four years in the outdoor and indoor concession stands.  Not complaining, I loved it. I was blessed with the gift of being a Mom.

2002 - Vince Neil pled guilty to a misdemeanor battery charge for allegedly attacking a record producer in West Hollywood on April 28,  Seriously?  Even the music business can't agree on anything and are brought to violence.  I don't get it people!

Fresno California
The Big Fresno Fair is the largest annual event in the Central Valley, attracting more than 600,000 people each October during its two-week run featuring exhibits, a livestock show, live horse racing, musical entertainment, educational programs and more. The Fair provides a link between urban and rural California, serving as a tool in educating Valley residents on the region's rich agricultural industry who might have otherwise not understood the importance or vastness of this commerce on the region. The mission of The Big Fresno Fair is to "Educate, Celebrate and Have Fun."
In addition to being the site of the annual Fair, the Fresno Fairgrounds serves as a year-round rental facility that spans 165 acres held under a 50-year lease with the County of Fresno. The Fresno Fairgrounds hosts more than 250 annual events such as conventions, trade shows and banquets located in Fresno, California.
Looks like a state fair and would be great fun today!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Tony and Christian!

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