Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017 Thursday #Disco!#bettergoodthanevil#change#counterfeiting#Dinnertheater!

Get Fit
I will certainly be broken hearted when my Richard Disco workout bites the dust.  Nothing like starting out the day on that note!

Get Faith
Romans 12:21  "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  I was reading about a hymn written by a young man of 18 back in 1864.  It was mentioned that it was unusual because so many young people are more entertained by evil than good, since the beginning of time ie; Cain, Josephs brothers, the prodigal son to name a few.  It is easier to be "good" when we are older and more settled.   "..overcome evil with good" can be something to think about today, for all of us.

On this day
2004 - I was still involved teaching Sunday School.  I miss it but have found I appreciate Bible Study, learning, better than teaching these days.  Today I went to study on Lutheranism 101.  They are teaching from a Missouri Synod book and I feel like I am back in Catechism class.  The ELCA and LCMS are somewhat different Lutheran churches.  The basics are the same.  After working on my lesson back on this day I heard from my friend Norma that they were moving into their new house (that they currently live in.)  We always hope that change is for the better, in all things.

2004 - The U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. Secret Service introduced the first newly redesigned $50 bill. I'm going to guess that counterfeiting was the reason for the two agencies involvement.

This sounds like great fun before leaving Fresno!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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