Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4, 2017 Monday #LaborDay!#START#Kindlytrusting#Peachfestival!#Odoacer#fancyschool!

Get Fit
I am big on starting.  It is a Monday.  After Labor Day is the start of Autumn (for me).  So I told myself that today is a start on amping up my workout program.  I started the day with warm ups, leg work outs, some yoga and planking.  I am planning on that long walk around the neighborhood later and maybe some PM yoga later.  Wish me luck!  What about you?  What are you startubg today?

Get Faith
Ephesians 2:8 "Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ.  And even trusting is not of yourselves; it too is a gift from God."  And even trusting is not of yourselves.  We like to take credit for everything we are, and God does allow us free will to choose our own paths, but we mistakenly think that God never involves himself in our lives.  You must recognize that some people have an extra dose of one thing or another and wonder why they are so kind, friendly, loving, and trusting.  This trust I believe is in having the knowledge that our God is there giving us a little extra when we need it.  Because of His kindness.

On this day
1994  Sue, a girl I worked with at Clancy's had a little girl, Amanda.  We took our girls up to the Peach Festival in Romeo.  I'm sure the girls went on some rides etc and had a good time.  We ended our day with pizza at Sue's place.  Our work environment was not conducive to becoming "good" friends due to the animosity and conflict with the family there.  I have thought about her often and hoped she did well with her little girl.  I know now she did. FB

0476 - Romulus Augustulus, the last emperor of the western Roman Empire, was deposed when Odoacer proclaimed himself King of Italy. Odoacer, there's a name to try and pronounce! And, remember for Jeopardy!

Fresno California
In 1877, William Helm made Fresno his home with a five-acre tract of land at the corner of Fresno and R streets. Helm was the largest individual sheep grower in Fresno County. In carrying his wool to market at Stockton, he used three wagons, each drawn by ten mules, and spent twelve days in making the round trip.[16]
An 1897 photo of K Street High School, which was replaced by Fresno High School in 1896. The school later became Emerson Elementary School and was demolished ca. 1930.
Two years after the station was established, county residents voted to move the county seat from Millerton to Fresno. When the Friant Dam was completed in 1944, the site of Millerton became inundated by the waters of Millerton Lake. In extreme droughts, when the reservoir shrinks, ruins of the original county seat can still be observed.
In the nineteenth century, with so much wooden construction and in the absence of sophisticated firefighting resources, fires often ravaged American frontier towns. The greatest of Fresno's early-day fires, in 1882, destroyed an entire block of the city. Another devastating blaze struck in 1883.

Fancy School! and a lot of children!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!
Happy Birthday Gordon!!

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