Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017 Saturday#Harvest#God'swisdom#biketoday!#

Get Fit
Worked in a community garden this morning.  Reaped the produce, delivered it to the neighbors, cleaned out the plants, weeded and spread mulch in anticipation of a better harvest next year.  Hope blooms eternal.  Thanks to Sue for organizing and Lifebuilders for everything they do for God's people.

Get Faith
Psalm 104:24  "O Lord, how manifold are Your works!  In wisdom You have made them all."  It is amazing how a simple tomato seed can be planted into the ground, grow into a small plant in spring and produce what seems like a billion tomatoes at harvest time.  That one thing is beyond wonder and yet look around you!  All the food He imagined into our world for us to eat and be healthy, to look at and enjoy.  His creation is a gift unimaginable to us.  "how manifold are Your works!"

On this day
1992  Nicole would have been 7, Aaron 14.  Maybe Aaron went to the  boat show at Metro or he might have come with Nicole and I on the bike ride.  I very often had a few bike riders with me but when they started getting older they liked to ride in the street.  I was a stick in the mud and if they were not 12 they had to stay on the sidewalk, which created problems.  I made them stop at stop signs and when they were little they had to walk their bikes across the street.  I can still hear375# the moaning.  I thought I had trained them well but Joey, as a teenager got hit by a car and got a broken leg.  Failed on him I guess.  On this day I rode by my cousin Kathy's for a short visit (the troops got restless).

1642 - The first commencement at Harvard College, in Cambridge, MA, was held. That would make for a 375 year reunion!!

Fresno California
Hands down the cutest Mexican Restaurant in Fresno. It feels like you're in Mexico. As soon as we walked in it smelled like authentic Mexican food. We asked to sit outside since the patio is really where it is at. I tried the Jamiaca & lemonade, they're both awesome. The waiter was very attentive. The food was great and a special shoutout to the girls making the handmade tortillas. I had the agua chiles, which are not for the light hearted. They are so spicy and brought me to tears but in a good way. Definitely try it out!  El Patio!!!Photo of El Patio Restaurant - Fresno, CA, United States
Not what I'm bring tonight but looks good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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