Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8, 2017 Friday #stillcan#Believeandbesaved#enjoythemundane#St.Augustine#cropstocolleges

Get Fit
I did the full Abs workout this morning.  It surprises me I can still get through it and I wonder when I will not be able to.  I have seen some people older than me on TV that still lift weights and workout so I guess there is still hope.  Do what you can!!!

Get Faith
Romans 6:4  "Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."  As we face the horrible possibilities in front of us with fires, hurricanes and earthquakes I wonder how many of those in harms way believe this statement above.  Do they believe that God sent Jesus back to the earth to show his win over death?  That thousands saw him, many talked with him and some even touched Him.  You need to know that this is true that God has dominion over life and death and because He showed it to us in His Son, Jesus the Christ, You too are invited to the life everlasting with God.  Build your faith to believe.

On this day
2001  Normal life stuff - worked, called my cousins Kay, Kathy and Barb, my niece Lindsey and friend Waynette.  It was a Saturday so I was home painting.  Nicole and I stripped, plastered and painted the entire house included new flooring etc. after having some major supports under the house redone. I did include a soccer game with Nicole and later in the day she went to hang out with Danielle.  I mention this because three days later life as we knew it changed, much like the disasters we are facing today.  Enjoy the normal, mundane days of life while you can.

1565 - A Spanish expedition established the first permanent European settlement in North America at present-day St. Augustine, FL. You might want to include this historic city in your prayers today.

Fresno California

Row crops and orchards gave way to urban development particularly in the period after World War II; this transition was particularly vividly demonstrated in locations such as the Blackstone Avenue corridor.

Blackstone Avenue is a major roadway arterial in Fresno, California, United States. This street is the location of a number of historic structures[1] and is also the locus of a considerable concentration of retail commercial land usage. The campus of the Fresno City College straddles Blackstone Avenue in the vicinity of McKinley Avenue.[2]  From farm to fortune!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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