Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017 Monday #Sleepapnea#Goodplan!#Lovethyneighbor#badplan#Eatwell!

Get Fit
I hate not being on game but I always have a game plan.  I recently read an article about slim beautiful womens sleep disorder.  I know one friend who most likely has this and I'm thinking I might have it despite the name, which I don't feel I fall under.  It explained that the tongue was too large and would fall back into the throat in deep sleep and shut off the airwave.  The sleeper would naturally wake up.  It was in a Spring Elle magazine so if you are interested or know someone look into it!  If you don't sleep well (I don't) it is worth looking into.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:11-13  "For I know the plans I have for you, "says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  In those days when you pray, I will listen.  You will find me when you seek me, if you look for me in earnest."  Plans.  (I don't read this first, honest)  The word plan is related to something that will happen in the future, do you agree?  Then, the word plan is a promise that you will have one (a future) and in this statement God offers hope for your future and tells you what His part in it will be!  Good plan!!!!

On this day
1999  A lot of the days during this time were all about my neighbors.  We were a close group, always outside together or something.  I had gone for a walk (it was a Saturday) and brought Nicole back a muffin and Cappuccino (probably from a coffee shop a block away that is no longer there. (too bad).
Then I took Nicole for a DDS appt to get her teeth cleaned and dropped her off at bowling.  My neighbor Roxanne's son, Carmen was home, I think he had moved to California and Craig's Mom Karen called me.  I cut the lawn, Nicole had Laura B over and then Jameson came by after dinner.  I am not sure if this was escalating into the busy life we now live or just practice for days to come.  Plan on being busy!  (But sleep well)

1492 - The crew of the Pinta, one of Christopher Columbus' ships, mistakenly thought that they had spotted land. Do I assume they got this information from the ship's log?  Like LAND AHOY! Then the next day - nevermind.

Fresno County Products
When I pulled up this site I got - Cotton, alfalfa, oranges, almonds, peaches, tomatoes, and livestock.
And this interesting info:
GOATS 1. Buck Is a male goat 2. Doe Is a female goat 3. Wether - Altered male goat 4. Kid A goat under the age of 6 months 5. Kidding -  Giving birth to their young 6. Udder Milk gland, where their milk comes from 7. Gestation Five months The goat is part of a very large family of animals called “RUMINANTS”. The special name that they have is due to the make up of their stomach. Animals in this class are very different than any other animal. They have four stomachs and have no teeth on the upper jaw. Many times as you walk through the barns you will see these animals chewing their “Cud”.  If you like goats, as I do this might be interesting.  Last week here enjoy!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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