Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017 Friday #firstdayoffalland90degrees!

Get Fit
I did some Pilates this morning.  That and the humidity to melt off some pounds should be sufficient.

Get Faith
Psalm 46  "Be still, and know that I am God."  Can you? Be still and know that God is with you?  I try in the morning to get a thought in my head, lately a hymn, and meditate on that thought.  When you are accustomed to racing and pre thinking everything it is so hard to disengage from life.  The pictures of people being in a pasture, by a river, up on a mountain or even by a fireplace in a comfortable chair are unrealistic.  Although it is suggested  that you find that quiet place very often there isn't one around.  I have taken to times when I am stuck in traffic, in a parking lot before or after shopping, sitting in the car when I am too early for an appointment.  That is my best shot at lone time.  The nice thing to remember is that when YOU are ready for God time - HE is always ready for you.
Be still and know that HE is God.

I have been confronted lately with many people telling me they have a gay grandchild, or child or nephew etc.  The reason is that they know my daughter is and that I don't have a problem with it.  I advise them that if this child/person has confided in them that they feel they are safe with you.  Please, be there for them, listen to what they are saying and don't be judgemental.  Accept them for who they are and support and love them.  Please remind them that you will always be there for them and that they can come to you with any problem they are having.  The suicide rate for young people dealing with alternate life issues is horrific, don't let your child be one of them.  If you are conflicted with faith issues, first of all remember that Jesus was all accepting.  These issues are normal differences that occur, like eye color, skin color, curly or straight hair, I would be surprised to know that someone made a choice to be gay only because it is a difficult life due to insecurities on some peoples part.  They are most often not a result of abuse or training, they are natural occurrences.  If you are afraid for their faith you need to remind them that they are acceptable and loved by a God that is not bound by human standards.  You also need to refresh your own faith.  I welcome replies on this statement.

On this day
1988  I worked two days a week during this time to pay for our family health insurance.  I was back working at Quality and on this day there were only 4 people there.  Chris had gone up to Toronto to see family.  On the way home I stopped at Leo Knight Photography, wonder if they are still there.  Mark was at the boat store as usual and Marty was out somewhere so it was just Nicole and I for dinner.  Aaron called, probably to see what was going on for the weekend, (Nicole and I loved when he was here.)  Mark was selling boat race videos then and a couple guys, Jim Covalle and Mike Drury stopped by to pick up some - they were not cheap.

1988 - Canada's government apologized for the internment of Japanese-Canadian's during World War II. They also promised compensation. That was nice I wonder if we did the same?  I hope so.

Fresno California

Sunnyside Diner

151 reviews on Yelp
Seafood Restaurant
Open Now·6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Variety of Food. Burgers, Burritos, Tacos, Salads, Sandwiches, Seafood, and Soups. (menu varies, depending on season)   This gives us an idea what to bring to tomorrow's gathering. (Not the kale and weed salad I suggested to Deb)

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Heather, Kristin and Michael!

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