Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 6, 2017 Wednesday #Getup#Joyandtears#LoveAlice#badtiming#landfill!

Get Fit
Worked out the arms and abs today and even used the 5 lb weights!  Yay me!!  I miss half the reps during that time I am making the transition from floor to chair - do what you can!!

Get Faith
Matthew 5:4  "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."  My wish is that by the time I die people will be tired of me being around.  I'm serious.  That old person that you feel obligated to visit, check on, call on the phone or ask about.  A friend recently lost his dad.  The dad lived in Florida and he and the rest of the family live up here.  They spent at least one of their vacation weeks going to Florida to see him, argue with him and clean up his home, every year.  He was a colorful fella back in the day.  He belonged to a lot of social clubs and was very social, especially with the ladies.  I found him entertaining at parties.  I hope they had a grand reception for him in heaven - I know their was a sigh of relief and of course tears here in this space.  RIP.

On this day
1998  It was a hot day - 90 degrees. (sorry Nicole)  It was a Sunday and the Labor Day weekend.  Alice came over and went to church with us and Mom.  Before she left she gave Nicole $50.00 for school clothes.  She did that a lot and I sure appreciated it.  I took Nicole to the Mall later that day to shop for school and the help came in handy.  Alice is a generous loving person that loves to give of herself.  Love my sister!

1620 - The Pilgrims left on the Mayflower from Plymouth, England to settle in the New World. I am thinking they had no idea what the weather was like here.  They should have left in spring so they had the summer to provide for themselves.  I guess they didn't watch the news.

Fresno California
The Fresno Municipal Sanitary Landfill was the first modern landfill in the United States, and incorporated several important innovations to waste disposal, including trenching, compacting, and the daily covering of trash with dirt. It was opened in 1937 and closed in 1987. Today, it has the unusual distinction of being a National Historic Landmark as well as a Superfund site.[18]  And so the trashing of America began.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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