Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 3, 2017 Sunday #Swim/walk?#Stayconnected#workworked#Ashtrees!

Get Fit
I might be able to get a swim in Lindsey's pool today but it may be too cold.  I know I will get some walking in.

Get Faith
Romans 8:39 "Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God..."  God's love for us in infinite.  The problem is too many of us separate ourselves from God.  We think it will interfere with our life style or take up to much of our time, etc etc..  God gives us every minute of every day,  If you are stuck in traffic, take that time to pray, meditate on how much he loves and and has given to you.  Yes, sure, going to church helps us to connect and build our faith - like plugging in your cell phone, we are replenished.  Don't separate yourself from God's love! Stay connected.

On this day
1993  I had just started working at Clancy's.  This was an extremely traumatic time for me.  I had to leave Nicole in the morning and not see her or know what was going on in her day till I got home for dinner.  I was fortunate the Marty, Mom and my Mother in law were all here for me as back up.  The job was extremely stressful.  I went to the library and got books on construction bookkeeping and law.  I read the MAC computer instructional book to figure out how to do the billing etc. The previous secretary had left on bad terms and no one else there had a clue.  I thought I would quit that job a million times in the first three months.  I cried myself to sleep every night and then woke up an hour later to stress over everything involved there.  Somehow, with God's help and the prayers of many people I managed to get by and stayed for 19 years, till Nicole finished college.

1783 - The Revolutionary War between the U.S. and Great Britain ended with the Treaty of Paris. Thanks to the French!

Downtown Fresnohe original inhabitants of the San Joaquin Valley region were the Yokuts people, who engaged in trading with other Californian tribes of Native Americans including coastal peoples such as the Chumash of the Central California coast, with whom they are thought to have traded plant and animal products.
The county of Fresno was formed in 1856 after the California Gold Rush. It was named for the abundant ash trees (Spanish: fresno) lining the San Joaquin River. The county was much larger than it is today as part of Tulare County, comprising its current area plus all of what became Madera County and parts of what are now San Benito, Kings, Inyo, and Mono counties.[citation needed]
Millerton, then on the banks of the free-flowing San Joaquin River and close to Fort Miller, became the county seat after becoming a focal point for settlers. Other early county settlements included Firebaugh's FerryScottsburg and Elkhorn Springs.
The San Joaquin River flooded on December 24, 1867, inundating Millerton. Some residents rebuilt, others moved. Flooding also destroyed the town of Scottsburg on the nearby Kings Riverthat winter. Rebuilt on higher ground, Scottsburg was renamed Centerville.[14]
In 1867, Anthony "McQeen" Easterby purchased land bounded by the present Chestnut, Belmont, Clovis and California avenues, that today is called the Sunnyside district. Unable to grow wheat for lack of water, he hired sheep man Moses J. Church in 1871 to create an irrigation system.[citation needed] Building new canals and purchasing existing ditches, Church then formed the Fresno Canal and Irrigation Company, a predecessor of the Fresno Irrigation District.
In 1872, the Central Pacific Railroad established a station near Easterby's—by now a hugely productive wheat farm—for its new Southern Pacific line. Soon there was a store around the station and the store grew the town of Fresno Station, later called Fresno. Many Millerton residents, drawn by the convenience of the railroad and worried about flooding, moved to the new community. Fresno became an incorporated city in 1885. By 1931 the Fresno Traction Company operated 47 streetcars over 49 miles of track.[15]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Judy, Kelley and Granma (RIP)

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