Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5, 2017 Tuesday #Disco#chooselove#POOF#campfire?#popgrowth!

Get Fit
As I told a friend, I tossed and turned so much last night I feel like I already exercised.  I did get the VCR to play Richard and the Disco workout this morning!

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:32  "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  In his earthly absence God asks us to "be kind and compassionate to one another"  He wants us to comfort and love one another in remembrance of Him.  He always loves and forgives you, can't we return that to each other in thanks and praise to a God that gave up His son for us?

On this day
1996  Yesterday I mentioned a girl named Sue and her daughter Amanda that Nicole and I became friends with.  Two years later, another girl from Clancy's, Cathy and I became friends.  She replaced Sue but not for long.  The company went through a lot of help.  But Cathy and her son Josh came over for parties and activities for the time she worked with me and then POOF, she disappeared.  If I could remember her last name I would see if she is on FB.  I am pretty sure her name would be different though, she was looking for another husband.  She should have waited a year, the boss got a divorce in 1997.

1996 - The play "Summer and Smoke" opened at the Criterion Theatre. did anyone see this?  was it a campfire theme?  Let me know!

Fresno CA - Pictures, posters, news and videos on your ... The population of Fresno proper soared in the second half of the 20th century. It entered the ranks of the 100 largest United States cities in 1960 census with a population of 134,000. In the 1990 census it moved up to 47th place with 354,000, and in the census of 2000 it achieved 37th place with 428,000, a 21 percent increase during the preceding decade.[17]  I wonder what the draw was?  Which side of the San Andreas fault is Fresno?' Those 
looking for oceanside property down the road?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Stacy, Lisa, Shawn and Gabe!!  
Oh!  and the very new! (this morning)  Jake, I believe.

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