Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20, 2017 Wednesday# Thinkandbelieve#shopping#anythingforspice#nicedigs!

Get Fit
The mind is everything. What you think you become.
well there!  good suggestion Buddha!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:13  "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  This year I have committed to memory these verses to push me ahead.  The other one is Isaiah 40:31.  When the Word tells you that your health can be restored you should listen.  Why wouldn't you?  Look up ^, even Buddha believed that you can believe in yourself, I add the wisdom of believing in God first.

On this day
1985  Nicole was almost 4 months old and had been traveling quite a bit already.  I took her to boat races, and Mom's up in Gaylord but, our most often trip was to Lakeside Mall with Grandma Luvy, which we did on this day.  We went at least once a week.  Grandma loved Lord and Taylor and funny enough it became one of Nicole's favorite stores until Dick's sporting goods took over.  She did inherit her Grandmothers love of shopping though, and her expensive taste.  

1519 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan left Spain to find a route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. Magellan was killed during the trip, but one of his ships eventually made the journey. Man those Portuguese really traveled and persevered didn't they?


Huntington Boulevard[edit]

Huntington Boulevard
Homes from the early 20th century line this boulevard in the heart of the historic Alta Vista Tract. The section of Huntington Boulevard between First Street on the west to Cedar Avenue on the east is the home to many large, stately homes. The original development of this area began circa 1910, on 190 acres of what had been an alfalfa field. The Alta Vista Tract, as the land would become known, was mapped by William Stranahan for the Pacific Improvement Corporation, and was officially platted in 1911. The tract's boundaries were Balch Avenue on the south, Cedar Avenue on the east, the rear property line of Platt Avenue (east of Sixth Street) and Platt Avenue (west of Sixth Street) on the north, and First Street on the west. The subdivision was annexed to the city in January 1912, in an election that was the first in which women voted in the community. At the time of its admission to the city, the Alta Vista Tract was uninhabited but landscaped, although the trees had to be watered by tank wagon. In 1914 developers Billings & Meyering acquired the tract, completed street development, provided the last of the necessary municipal improvements including water service, and began marketing the property with fervor. A mere half decade later the tract had 267 homes. This rapid development was no doubt hastened by the Fresno Traction Company right-of-way along Huntington Boulevard, which provided streetcar connections between downtown and the County Hospital.
The surrounding streets, Kerckhoff and Balch Avenues (which are part of the original Alta Vista tract), have homes from the Arts and Crafts era, which, like the downtown, are being renovated and brought back to their historic roots. During Christmas, the homes along the boulevard are adorned with lights and decorations. The nation's tallest living Christmas Tree, at Huntington and 6th Street, is the highlight of the event.
Huntington Boulevard has been referred to as Fresno's "anti-gated community". [ 3  
Sounds like a nice upscale place to live!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Joann, Kristina & Liz!

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