Monday, September 25, 2017

September 24, 2017 Sunday #

Get Fit
It is important to have a healthy outlook on life, as well as a fit body.  If you are dealing with depression which can lead to so many other issues - find someone to talk to and get yourself back on the right track to enjoying your life.

Get Faith
The sermon this morning was based on Jonah.  While Pastor talked I got the message that the city of Nineveh were referred to as bad people.  Jonah was to go there and speak to the people and save their lives.  Jonah, didn't like the people of Nineveh and ran away rather than go to them on God's order.  He even said he would rather die than save these bad people. God told Jonah that He loved these people and wanted them for his own.  What struck me was, that Jonah thought he knew better than God who should be saved.  We make that mistake as well.  We have decided that some people should not be accepted as God's people into the church, that some whole groups or nations are not worthy of God's love.  How dare we?  Yes, I believe in repent and be saved - but don't be that person who knows what other peoples sins are, just concern yourself with your own.

On this day
1995  Nicole was only ten and so subject to go with me whether she wanted to or not.  I often think of my home and life out on Maceday lake.  I loved it there, it holds my favorite memories of childhood. Anther reason might be that my Dad was still with us and life was different.  So on this day I dragged Nicole out to the old house, which looks nothing like it did when I was a child.  The orchard on our side lot now holds another house and the back lot where we had a huge garden and a beautiful weeping willow is a huge home.  Then I took her to Andersonville elementary school and told her about Laughing John, the horror story that was backed up by some poor guy that apparently lived in the ravine in a lean to shack behind the school.  Strangely enough the remnants of his "home" were still there.  It was a great day, well for me.

1995 - Three decades of Israeli occupation of West Bank cities ended with the signing of a pact by Israel and the PLO. 

My computer quit on me yesterday - this is to finish

Hope you enjoyed the day and did something memorable!

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