Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017 Sunday #Dayoff#Dogoodersunite!#Mr. C's#Israel#pooltime!

Get Fit
It's Sunday, my day off.

Get Faith
Galatians 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  We all know what it is like to try and assist someone in doing better and having it not happen.  It is disparaging and makes us question our own ability to help and the reality of long term need.  We are encouraged by one person that comes back and says, thanks for the help, to pick up where we left off and go back to doing good.  Often we can work a food closet for years and never see what the result of what that food has done.  It might have tied a family over a rough spot, it might have been the life saver for an elderly person, it might have meant a week of meals to a child that hadn't been getting regular meals.  We don't see it, but we have to believe that it does the good that we put our time in for.  When you get weary, trust the Lord is working in your good deeds to encourage another to do the same.

On this day
1978  This day was a lot of memories of friends that have helped me out.  On this year I went to work at Mr. C's for my friend Chris.  She had a beer and wine store on Auburn road for a few years and my brother Mark and I worked it on occasion for her.  I have worked two jobs many times in my life out of necessity.  My friends have always been there to provide a hand up for me and words can't say how much it has been appreciated.  I actually enjoyed spending the day in the old narrow store, I remember the smell of it - old wood and ?, but cozy.  I also loved the people that ran in for milk, bread or beer and had some great conversations and interesting lunches.  Find joy in everything you do or don't do it.

1394 - In France, Charles VI published an ordinance that expelled all Jews from France. Did you know this?  We always find someone to pick on - don't think you can solve it but don't lose hope.

Fresno If you are staying here, lets have a morning swim!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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