Sunday, September 10, 2017

September 10, 2017 Sunday #Runandlift#kidsinchurch#busyfoodday#PresidentSmith#popping!

Get Fit
I'm going to encourage runners for the 5K & 10K  at Atwater downtown.  Does that count as exercise for me?  I will also be lifting weights, ok it's only 12 oz but hey!  we all have to do our part!

Get Faith
The youth did the church service at First English today.  They did a great job and sang a lot of camp songs that I knew.  I am always so excited to see the kids reading the word and sharing the faith in front of the congregation.  Not sure I can say who benefits more from it.
Ephesians 6:10-11  "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might,  Put on the full armor of God."  These kids were showing their faith and the strength they received during summer activities at Work Camp and Stony Lake.  These are great tools for keeping the kids in the faith!

On this day
2006  Nicole was away at college and you would think I would calm down a bit, but no.  I was still on the Board of Youth, probably still the director and we cooked pancakes for the congregation in the youth room on this Sunday.  I will let you put that vision in your head, it was all your mind can imagine, including chocolate chips and blueberries.  After church Mom and I went out to Lindsey's townhouse by Stony Creek to meet her new kitties, Niko and Nola and see Andy and Alice who were down for the weekend.  When we got home, Waynette picked me up and we went to the Lamagno's for dinner for 10 (a group thing from church).   One thing for sure, I was well fed this day!

1608 - John Smith was elected president of the Jamestown, VA colony council. That was a pretty nondescript name for the first elected official don't ya think?

Fresno California
The dance style commonly known as popping evolved in Fresno in the 1970s.[21]
In the 1970s, the city was the subject of a song, ",1972 - A Bob Gallion Production - Walking Into Fresno (Writer: Bill Aken) written by Hall Of Fame guitarist Bill Aken and recorded by Bob Gallion of the world-famous "WWVA Jamboree" radio and television show in Wheeling, West Virginia. Aken, adopted by Mexican-American movie actress Lupe Mayorga, grew up in the neighboring town of Madera and his song chronicled the hardships faced by the migrant farm workers he saw as a child. Aken also made his first TV appearance playing guitar on the old country-western show at The Fresno Barn.
Go to you tube and play this song!  You will like it!
Bob Gallion Walking into Fresno

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Kevin!

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