Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 7, 2017 Thursday #Nextdietcraze#copingtool#mostimportantly#relocation

Get Fit
  Go to Weight Watchers and follow them for recipes and workout solutions to lose the weight you put on over the summer!  Thanksgiving is coming!

Get Faith
Psalm 4:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry."  When you have a problem in life it often seems like there is no answer or help.  For those who pray, it is often a wait for the answer.  I feel like these days a lot of prayers are going up to God for the victims of Harvey and Irma with Florida and the East Coast in her sights.  We all have loved ones in the path.  Unfortunately at this time all we can do is pray and wait for the outcome.  Life is like that.  Tragedies happen in all our lives but, if you have faith you can pray and then wait patiently for the Lord to answer your prayer.  It is not always the answer you want but He will give you tools and other people to get through whatever you need to.  If you don't have faith, I pray for you to get this important coping tool that God offers free because He loves you.

On this day
1999  These were busy times.  I was that single working mother, trying to do it all with the help of my Mom.  Nicole just started 9th grade and was playing basketball.  She had a practice on this day while I attempted to keep all the church activity going.  Patty and I were setting up for the kick-off dinner for the catechism classes that started the next day.  After going to GFS, then church for set up and then back to school to pick up Nicole.  All this after working a full day - and I never missed work.  And I was 52.  They don't make moms like they used to.  The best end result of this is that Nicole is still active in church - enough said.

1999 - Viacom Inc. announced that it had plans to buy CBS Corp. Almost as big as that basket full of groceries I bought from GFS.

Fresno California
Before World War II, Fresno had many ethnic neighborhoods, including Little Armenia, German Town, Little Italy, and Chinatown. In 1940, the Census Bureau reported Fresno's population as 94.0% white, 3.3% black and 2.7% Asian.[19] (Incongruously, Chinatown was primarily a Japanese neighborhood and today Japanese-American businesses still remain). During 1942, Pinedale, in what is now North Fresno, was the site of the Pinedale Assembly Center, an interim facility for the relocation of Fresno area Japanese Americans to internment camps.[20] The Fresno Fairgrounds were also utilized as an assembly center.  Might be interesting to read up on this and see how they were treated and what happened after the war to these people.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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