Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 Thursday #Warrior#Theanswer#Knowthyself#Waltons!#neighborhoods!

Get Fit
I have noticed that warrior and downward facing dog are incorporated into many workouts.  If you add in the plank and squats you are well on your way to strength and the ability to achieve other types of exercise.  What is your plan for the day?

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:1-2 "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Living a Christian life sounds hard and not a lot of fun to most people.  We have received a call to live life as Jesus did - humbly and gently, patient and loving.  I think most of the people I know live pretty well within those parameters.  Think of how great the world would be if we all lived giving someone else the credit, waiting quietly for someone else to succeed, gently and lovingly taking care of those who need to be loved?  What have you been hoping for in this world to correct the horrible news we hear?  Think about that today.

On this day
1972  My journal was more of a diary during these days, more of a succession of thoughts than events.  Nan and I signed up for a Psychology class through Oakland County Community College. I do believe that everyone in our age group were required to take this class.  I found this out later at my 50 year reunion.  I, personally, had a conflict with this class and my faith.  My thoughts were that some of the things they taught about self improvement and supporting your ego were contrary to Christian thought. (I actually said this in my journal)  I did really enjoy the class and apparently came to grips with my faith.

1972 - "The Waltons" premiered on CBS-TV. Anyone remember this?  Goodnight John boy.




Downtown Fresno looking east from Chuckchansi Park
Fresno was born with the establishment of the then Central Pacific Railroad Depot in 1872. In 1889 Southern Pacific Railroad, which had acquired Central Pacific, constructed a new depot on the original depot site. The brick Queen Anne style depot was a jewel for the city and is currently one of Fresno's oldest standing buildings. In 1971, 99 years after it first opened for business on its current site, the Depot closed its rail operations due to the decline in business.[27]
Between the 1880s and World War II, Downtown Fresno flourished, filled with electric Street Cars,[28] and contained some of the San Joaquin Valley's most beautiful architectural buildings.[29] Among them, the original Fresno County Courthouse (demolished), the Fresno Carnegie Public Library (demolished), the Fresno Water Tower, the Bank of Italy Building, the Pacific Southwest Building, the San Joaquin Light and Power Building (currently known as the Grand 1401), and the Hughes Hotel (burned down), to name a few.
Fulton Street in Downtown Fresno was Fresno's main financial and commercial district before being converted into one of the nation's first pedestrian malls in 1964.[30] Renamed the Fulton Mall, the area contains the densest collection of historic buildings in Fresno. While the Fulton Mall corridor has suffered a sharp decline from its heyday, the Mall includes some of the finest public art pieces in the country, including a casting of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's bronze "The Washer Woman", reportedly the only one of the six castings that one can walk up to and touch. Current plans call for the reopening of the Fulton Mall to automobile traffic. The public art pieces will be restored and placed near their current locations and will feature wide sidewalks (up to 28' on the east side of the street) to continue with the pedestrian friendly environment of the district.[31]  Looks like a lot to venture out to!  We can start tomorrow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ray!

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