Saturday, September 30, 2017

September 30, 2017 Saturday #Ahhhhyoga#Godknowsbest#thanksted#persevere#Roadtrip!!!

Get Fit
Ahhhh.  Started my day with AM yoga.  These fall days are great for yard work, garage cleaning, art fairs, long walks, etc.  Things that get you moving!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians *;1  "We know that we all possess knowledge.  Knowledge (without God) puffs up, but love builds up." After reading the study writers story I had a better understanding of this verse.   When we think we know what is best through our own knowledge we feel good about ourselves, but, when someone says "you are so smart to think of that", it is so much more meaningful.  The recognition of our ability by another makes it so much better.  Be supportive, tell someone you think they are smart or wise and build them up.

On this day
2009  The boss had a computer expert come in to help walk me through a government program we needed to navigate to deliver material to Selfridge.  We had delivered to them the 16 years I had worked there already, but, we know the government.  It was a new program.  There was never, never! anyone there that knew my job, I literally was self taught at construction, etc.  This was a little beyond my grasp but I found out I had managed it right, according to the expert who asked me more questions than I asked him.  I am just tooting my own horn here - no one at work (boss) ever complemented me on a job well done. (see above).  Ted, the computer guy did.  Thanks Ted.

1962 - James Meredith succeeded in registering at the University of Mississippi. It was his fourth attempt to register. Here is an excellent case of perseverance!

Fresno to Great Falls Road trip!
It is 1268 Miles from Fresno to Great Falls and sounds like a terrific trip to me. The map says we head north to Modesto.
Modesto  lunch here?
Then we drive north to Sacramento:
WE drive through Tahoe National Forest
 Then on to Reno
RenoWe can spend the night here and you can lose some money!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Julie!!

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