Friday, September 15, 2017

September 15, 2017 Friday #picklejuice#growingdeeper#tsktsk#Liberty#Fresnorecentnews

Get Fit
I have been drinking pickle juice lately.  You know the juice left in the jar (dill) after the pickles are gone, and speaking of gone, so are my nightly leg cramps.  Yes, I still take Magnesium, but I still had minor leg cramps and someone told me vinegar would help so I started drinking the pickle juice.  I have gotten accustom to it, not sure if just eating the pickles would work but, I am considering adding vodka for a night time cocktail.  Hey!  we do what we can.

Get Faith
Ephesians 3:18-19  "May you be able to feel and long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves....And so at last you will be filled up with God himself."  I really like this verse and am not familiar with it.  Sorry I have missed it because I have long attempted to understand His width and depth and to what extent He loves us.  It is virtually impossible to know.  I do believe that that closer you get to understanding the more Spirit you have residing in you - the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Keep growing in faith!

On this day
1975  I was still living in Birmingham and despite many rough spots in our relationship, Pete and I were still together.  We partied so hard and drank way to much and very often it caught up with us.  After coming home from a party, at Pete's coach house apt, he became really ill with a burning hot fever.  He had an old wound from a motorcycle accident that when stressed it would ulcerate.  After a bad night I called Pat (same Pat as now) and asked him if his dad could give Pete some Penicillin for his leg which was bright red.  Dr Hyland gave him meds with the promise he would come in and see him asap. I came down sick that day too, probably from the lifestyle and stress, called in sick to work and took care of Pete and made dinner.  All in the promise of being ok for the next weekend.  tsk

 1775 - An early and unofficial American flag was raised by Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Mott after the seizing of Fort Johnson from the British. The flag was dark blue with the white word "Liberty" spelled on it. Monday September 15, 2014 | KALW  There you see it!

Fresno California
Fresno - FRESNO, Calif. -- Thursday marks 40 days without a murder in Fresno.
"The fact that we have had a reduction over the last few months doesn't just happen," said Chief Jerry Dyer with the Fresno Police Department.
Before this streak there was an explosion of homicides and shootings. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said murders are up 70.8% from last year because of it. He and his team created a strategy to stop the violence.

"We focused on those individuals that were the most violent and those individuals we targeted for arrest," said Chief Dyer.

Chief Dyer said first they set up operation Alpha Dog, where they wire tapped Bull Dog gang members. Officers were able to monitor their activity and prevent 6 shootings.
The department also targeted suspects involved in criminal activity living amongst the homeless, implemented a domestic violence response team and worked to apprehend those suspects within the first three days of committing assault.
Chief Dyer said they can't do this all on their own. The department works with gang outreach groups,
including Joby Jones with the Fresno Street Saints.  This was posted on Sept 14, 2017.

 Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chelsea!

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