Saturday, September 9, 2017

September 9, 2017 Saturday#Yoga#HopeintheLord#IRMA#Marathon#Fresnocreditcard

Get Fit
In the face of anxiety I tried some AM yoga this morning.  Hard to meditate and relax when so many people are at risk with Irma hitting Florida.

Get Faith
Isaiah 40:31  "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not be faint."  This has been my mantra this year and it has certainly worked for me.  Our God is known for all of these things.  He heals, strengthens and encourages us to be well, you just need to hope in Him.  It is that easy.

On this day
2004  Florida had been hit by a hurricane and I was able to get a call in to my mother (in law) Pat in Stuart.  She said there was no water to be had anywhere and the entire condo unit was sharing what little they had.  I called Office Depot, who promised next day delivery on all orders and ordered a flat of water delivered to my Mom's condo.  They were true to their promise!  She shared with everyone and had lots to spare.  People gifted her with food and help.  It was a win/win.  Something to think about for the coming days as well.  Yesterday, Nicole showed me a site online to request assistance for those with special needs in the face of Irma.  They are picking her and Jan up and taking them to safety.  God is good.  I pray for all those in Irma's path today, you should too.

490 B.C. - The Battle of Marathon took place between the invading Persian army and the Athenian Army. The marathon race was derived from the events that occurred surrounding this battle. As I write this Marathon Key is fighting for existance with hurricane Irma - The Battle of Marathon!

Fresno California
In September 1958, Bank of America launched a new product called BankAmericard in Fresno. After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument that was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). In 1976, BankAmericard was renamed and spun off into a separate company known today as Visa Inc.  Not sure whether to thank them or sue them!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rachel

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