Saturday, March 31, 2018

March 31, 2018 Saturday Vigil #healthyself#Bigboys#Montenegro!

Get Fit
I am not fit.  I have a cold and will try all remedies to get rid of it.  My primary goal is to not spread it around.  How do you treat a cold?

Get Faith
Psalm 28:6-7  " Oh, praise the Lord, for he has listened to my pleadings.  He is my strength, my shield from every danger."  But not from this cold.  I feel like infection and diseases are things we have created, not God.  I don't believe He stands there and says - told you so, but it is a sin on this world we have to deal with.  It is the worse when I feel like I shouldn't go to church to share this but my inner devil says "well somebody shared it with you!"  God has healed way too many of my illnesses and maladies to ever bother him with my head cold.  I'm back to my home remedies, gargling with warm salt water, chicken soup and hot toddies.  Thank God for healing!  Happy Easter.

On this day
1994  Was a Friday and after work Mom, Nicole and I went to pick up the money I had remortgaged my house to have the kitchen remodeled.  My cousin Darryl did a great job and I am still happy with it today.  There were glitches - there always are, but a huge beautiful change from what it was.  After the bank we went to Big Boys for dinner, because that is how we celebrated then.

1994 - "Nature" magazine announced that a complete skull of Australppithecus afarensis had been found in Ethiopia. The finding is of humankind's earliest ancestor. What will they discover from you bones in a million years?

From Turkey to Montenegro
We are backtracking here to stay in the area.  I know nothing of this place so let's look!

Montenegro (/ˌmɒntɪˈnɡr, -ˈnɡ-, -ˈnɛɡ-/ (About this sound listen) ; Montenegrin: Crna Gora, pronounced [tsr̩̂ːnaː ɡɔ̌ra], meaning "Black Mountain") is a sovereign state in Southeastern Europe. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the southwest and is bordered by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovinato the northwest, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo[a] to the east, and Albania to the southeast. Its capital and largest city is Podgorica, while Cetinjeis designated as the Old Royal Capital.[9]  How much do you know about this place?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Darlene and Lori!

Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018 Good Friday #PraiseHim#Busy!#EphesusDayTrip

Get Faith
Psalm 34:1  "  I will bless the Lord at all times.  His praise shall continually be in my mouth."  There is no better day to take this to heart than today.  Who else has suffered the pain and humility that Jesus did on this remembered day?  Who else do you know  that died in such a horrific manner to give you life eternal?  As they  say, many have died for us for our freedom and for our way of life.  Jesus alone died to save you from yourself and prepare a home in eternity with him.  Praise Him.

On this day
1992   I know how busy families are and we have made it more difficult by having two homes where we share children.  It is just the way it is.  I was at work this day and Nicole was in school all day and then one of the grandmothers picked her up. (I was fortunate)  The problem was Aaron needed his ice skates or maybe his roller blades  and his Mom who lived way north of us and worked way west of us had to drive over to pick them up.  I mean, you can't pack up half a truck of stuff and move it back and forth every weekend.  We managed though as I am sure you do.  The ideal is to have parents stay together.

1533 - Henry VIII divorced his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. I'm thinking this guy was in real trouble with 7 ex wives.  Of course he had peons to shuffle children etc, around.

Lulebargaz Turkey


Private Tour: Ephesus Day Trip

From $110.00
  • Private Tour: Ephesus Day Trip
  • Explore Ephesus, one of the "Seven Wonders of the the Ancient World'
  • Marvel at the Fountains of Trojan and the Temples of Hadrian and Domition
This looks like a great way to end our time in Turkey!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diedre, Jayne and David P!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29, 2018 Thursday #legwarmers#strongfaith#openingdaycancelled#HulkvsAndre#bustour!!!

Get Fit
Worked out the legs, thigh and buns.  You may think that I am a picture of firmness and strength - well I probably have more strength than some but at this age I only want to stand without pushing myself up to a standing position, which mean leg strength.  Fighting aging is what has emerged from the Olivia Newton John exerciser with leg warmers and head band.  You be you.

Get Faith
Isaiah 65:24  "It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear."  Prayer is you imagining that God is listening while you pour out your woes and worries.  This verse restores your faith.  He is already listening and there to help you.  Don't ask for a new car or to have Him pay your rent - although sometimes these things will happen.  More likely He will give you the ability and strength to find a way to resolve your own issues.  He knows that is the best way for you to achieve what's best for you.  You need to lift those weights to strengthen your faith. 

On this day
1987  Was a Sunday and Mom, Nicole and I were joined at St Paul's with Andy, Alice, Merri and Lindsey.  Mom went home after but. Andy and Alice came by after and I played Clue with the girls.  Nicole was only 2 so I'm thinking Alice was busy with her.  Then (it must have been a nice day) Alice and I took the girls to the park - pictures available.  What a nice spring memory!  Wish it was like that today, being as it is opening day for the Tigers.

1987 - Hulk Hogan took 11 minutes, 43 seconds to pin Andre the Giant in front of 93,136 at Wrestlemania III fans at the Silverdome in Pontiac, MII don't remember this but I know there were members of my house who probably do!

Lulebargas Turkey
on a few days left here!
Istanbul is one of the world’s greatest cities, and this hop-on hop-off tour offers a truly flexible way to explore it. Board your open-top, double-decker bus at any stop along the two routes, and enjoy the views as you listen to the audio commentary. Then, create your own sightseeing itinerary as you hop on and off at any of the stops to visit highlights such as the spectacular Topkapi Palace, the UNESCO-protected Hagia Sophia, the Egyptian Bazaar, and more. Your ticket is valid for 1 day or

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 27, 2018 Tuesday #Yoga!#Grace!#sharefaith#caveexplore!

Get Fit
Ok' we are all trying to lose weight and get in shape for Spring, right?  There is a location on line:  Try this.  I have a video of these poses at home.  Get started on a few poses and start the day with them for a week.  Strength, balance and breathing are the things you should notice getting better.

Get Faith
Philippians 4:213  "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit."  Grace is a huge thing.  The grace of God is monumental.  Ephesians 2:5  "it is by grace you have been saved"  For you have been saved by grace and not by good works."  There is nothing, NOTHING you can do to save yourself - you are forgiven by the grace of God through His Son Jesus the Christ.  You only need to believe.  Let your spirit soak up that grace today and enjoy His peace.

On this day
1986  This was Maunday Thursday this year and Mom, Mark and I took the kids to church for the service and communion.  It is a good memory for me, my husband seldom joined us for church.  It was probably acceptable to me because my father never went either. 

1986 - Sammy Hagar played his first show as lead singer of Van Halen This was something near and dear to my husbands heart - Van Halen.  (I liked it too.)

Lulebargaz Turkey sightseeing
You can walk to down entrance via special path which is located near to many springs.
There are so many picnic tables for visitors
Lightning and electricity of cave supported by diessel power generator because place is far from residential area.
Cave has two gates One of is top and other one is bottom but bottom entrance is very cold and wet because of droplets.
Top side entrance has 700 steps stairs to bottom but you can reach from outside of the hill.
Dupnisa CaveSo many beautiful places in this world!!  I'm not much on caves though.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Linda, Jennifer and Tim!!!

Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018 Monday#Energy!#HolyWeek#33years#location,location,location.

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian today.  Not as much energy as I'd like to have - going to work on that.  If the temperature here would get above 50 I would start walking in the morning.  That always peps me up.  What about you?  What gives you energy?  Don't say caffeine - that's a drug.  What do you do  naturally?

Get Faith
Philippians 4:8  "Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right.  Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others.  Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about."  This is a great thought process to start off Holy Week.  Keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus this week.  He is true, good and right, pure and lovely and wants us to share that with each other in His name.  Praise the Lord.

On this day
1985  I was a lady in waiting - for Nicole.  I was training a girl named Ann at Quality to replace me and had to leave work early for a doctor appointment.  Because of issues and my age I had to go every week through most of my pregnancy.  When I got home Andy and Alice had dinner with me, they had moved to Alice's brother Dan's house to make room for Nicole moving in.  It wasn't like she took up a lot of space.  Oh! that's a lie - babies take up LOTS of space right?  It was a big change in the Lodge (what everyone called my house).  Although I think Rocco was still here.  I can't believe it seems like yesterday I was waiting for her to be born and this weekend celebrated her engagement!

1026 - Conrad II was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope John XIX. Back when there was certainly no separation of church and state.

Lulebargaz Turkey
This is a great map that shows the strategic place that Turkey is in.
AntalyaNestled along the beautiful Turkish Riviera on the Mediterranean coastline, Antalya is a large, vibrant city welcoming tourists with numerous resorts, hotels, bars and restaurants. Spectacular scenery frames the city with gorgeous beaches and lush green mountains dotted with ancient ruins. From swimming and sailing to mountain climbing, sightseeing and family fun, Antalya offers something for everyone. A walk around Kaleiçi, the Old Quarter, offers a step back into the city’s ancient past with views of the old city walls, Roman gates, maze-like streets and historic structures that include the Clock Tower.  This sounds like a great place to visit today!!!!  Place to see number 8

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Alexsis, Jason and Bob C.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday # Whirling Dervishes!

Get Faith
Mark 11:9-10  "Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted,  "Hosanna!"  "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"  "Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!"  "Hosanna in the highest!" "  The Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  Welcomed like a king.  They laid down palms in the road so the dust would not rise up to dirty them or choke them.  Praised.  They wanted a king to upset the Romans who enslaved them.  They hoped He would save them from their misery.  They didn't know.  We celebrate Palm Sunday today with the knowledge of what the week ahead brings.  Holy week indeed.

On this day
1984  My fiancee, Mark and his sister went to the junk yard.  That used to be a thing for a lot of people.  I know my friend Pat that has the ice cream trucks does that but I wonder if anyone else does.  I imagine I am just out of that loop.  Mark was pretty handy with fixing things so he was probably finding a cheap remedy for Jan and her vehicle.  While he was gone I put a turkey in the oven.  Later on Tony, Teresa, Fly and his wife and Lou came over for dinner.  I still love to feed people! 

1306 - Robert the Bruce was crowned king of Scotland.  He didn't get a Sunday named for him though.

Lulebargaz Turkey
8. Konya (Where to Stay)
One of the oldest cities in the world and best known for its remarkable Seljuk architecture and Whirling Dervishes, Konya is a large city in Turkey’s Central Anatolia Region. In the 12th and 13th centuries, Konya prospered as a capital city under the rule of the Seljuk Dynasty. Today, buildings from that era can still be admired such as the Alaeddin Mosque and the ruins of the Seljuk Palace. Konya was also the home of the Persian theologian and Sufi mystic, Rumi. His mausoleum is a must-see site in Konya. Rumi’s followers founded the Mevlevi Order, better known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their religious ceremonies in which they spin around and around on the left foot while wearing white, billowing gowns.   Wow!  Whirling Dervishes!  who hasn't heard of this?  Let's check them out today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Don and Chris K!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24, 2018 Saturday #Happilyeverafter!#sweetpets#

Get Fit
Too much celebrating for my daughters engagement party last night - hoping i can get the energy to clean house today.  When will I learn?

Get Faith
Romans 10:15  "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"  We had good news yesterday, Nicole and Kristin are engaged with a wedding to be planned for August 2019.  As a mom I am happy to know Nicole is in good company to live a life in the ministry doing God's work - it is a mission they share.  Please help me pray that their walk down the aisle will lead the way for everyone they share life with to come to God and that their lives will be blessed with the happiness they both deserve.

On this day
1980  I have had a lot of cats.  I forgot about this one that I took to the vet for neutering.  The office called me shortly after and said the cat died from the anesthesia.  It is the worse part of having pets isn't it?  Just so you know some animals are allergic.

1980 - In San Salvador, Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero was shot to death by gunmen as he celebrated Mass. That was cold - hate to think where they spend their time now.

Lulebargaz Turkey

10 Best Places to Visit in Turkey

9. Mardin (Where to Stay)
Perched on a strategic hilltop overlooking the plains of Mesopotamia in southeastern Turkey, Mardin is the capital of the Mardin Province. One of the oldest settlements in the region, Mardin is best known for its cultural diversity and Old City of sandstone buildings that cascade down the hill. Mardin’s Old City is easily toured by walking. The maze of meandering streets leads visitors along terraced houses and popular sites like Deyrü’z-Zafaran Monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in the world, and the Sultan Isa Medresesi, a medieval monument that once served as an astronomical observatory.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018 Friday#toneup#youfixyou#fastlane#VanHalen!#Ankara

Get Fit
Worked out the legs today with Pilates and the resistance band.  It just gives an added muscle and balance workout I think.  So many good workouts available on line check them out if you are like me and get bored with the same old thing all the time - and hurry up!  Spring is here and your activity should be amping up!

Get Faith
Psalm 41:12  "You have preserved me because I was honest; you have admitted me forever to your presence."  Are there people out there lying to God?  Not to frighten you, but He knows everything, even your thoughts.  And loves you anyway.  He knows how hard this life on earth is, he was human for 33 years.  I guess it doesn't say honest with Him, but do we think we can fool God?  I think the point here is that being untrue to anyone is also lying to yourself and God does not want that for you.  He wants you to realize your sins and faults and to fix them for yourself - not Him because He loves you anyway - it just makes YOU better.

On this day
1979  I worked the Cobo Hall shows for Quality Picture Frame.  This one might have been the Home and Garden show.  They were long hours and not sure how profitable - mostly to get your name out there.  I had framed artwork to sell but not sure if it did, only attracted attention.  On this day, my EX boyfriend Pete followed me down and took me to lunch at the Traffic Jam before the show started. A lot of friends came by - Robin and Chuck, Beaver, Pat & Pam and Ty. They had a bar there so you could have a cocktail while walking around, that's why my friends were there.   A new boyfriend, Dave picked me up at 11:00 when the show was over and took me to Carl's Chophouse for dinner.  We lived a fast life and it took its toll.  Pete, Chuck and Beaver are all passed now but I'm still good friends with Pat, Pam and Ty.  It often amazes me to think how immortal we thought we were.

1979 - Van Halen released the album "Van Halen II." Raise your hand if you liked Van Halen! 

Lulebargaz Turkey

10 Best Places to Visit in Turkey

With cities steeped in history, beaches, and beautiful countryside, a visit to Turkey promises an enchanted vacation. Diverse offerings such as the ancient ruins of Ephesus to the luxury beach resorts along the Aegean Sea will enthrall and captivate even the most jaded traveler. Istanbul, once the capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, features prominently in most travel plans but there are many more great destinations. An overview of the best places to visit in Turkey.
10. Ankara (Where to Stay)
Turkey’s capital city, Ankara, is a sprawling, modern city home to government buildings, commercial businesses, universities and foreign embassies. Located right in the center of the country and the Anatolia region, Ankara is an important transportation hub, linking travelers to other major destinations in Turkey. The city itself city offers a lively arts and culture scene with a large concentration of museums, including the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.  This would be a great place to visit today.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Amy and Richard!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22, 2018 Thursday #Trythis#Friend#readtime#perfectevening!

Get Fit

Full detailed video :

#homeweightloss #homeworkout #bodyweightworkouts #fatloss #fatlosstips #workout #womenfitness #womenweightloss #weightlossdietplan #flatabs #tummy #tummyworkout #fitnessblogger #fitnessmotivation #nogymneeded#fitness #indianblogger  Here is a workout for the problem we all have  and want under control by summer!  Check it out!

Get Faith
John 15:15-16  "(Jesus said.)  "I have called you friends..You did not choose Me but I chose you..."
How cool is that to be chosen by God.  From the moment you were born He picked you to be His!  I have a lot of friends that are very dear to me.  I love them for the different things we have in common, memories mostly, but on going life as well.  I miss them when I don't see them.  Thanks to social media I am in constant touch with some of them - even the ones out of state and country.  Not to diminish the importance of their friendship - but really?  Jesus wants me for a friend?  Now, that's eternal!!  He wants you as a friend too!

On this day
1978  This is usually a bad time of year for me.  So often I am down with a cold or bronchitis, etc.  This year says the same - "didn't work still down w/ cold - bed all day..."  I loved to read, especially in those days, a good romance novel, so I don't think I minded being sick, it actually sounds great - in bed all day reading.  Ha!  That's not gonna happen.  And praise God (and knock on wood)  I have not had a cold, flu or bronchitis etc this year all season!  I could use something right now I have a pile of reading material to catch up on.  Careful what you wish for!

1978 - Karl Wallenda, of the Flying Wallendas, fell to his death while walking a cable strung between to hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I wonder if they were insured and if so how much they had to pay.

Lulebargaz Turkey
Hotel Amira IstanbulWow!  I hope this is where we are staying!  Looks beautiful!  What were you expecting?  This is in Istanbul.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018 Wednesday #Ginger#freshnewyou#sprechensieDeutsch?

Get Fit
Ginger Health Benefits : naturally kill cancer, improve heart health, and moreExplore ginger health benefits!

Get Faith
Romans 12:2  "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think.  Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways really satisfy you."  Wow!  I really like that - be a fresh new person!  Get out there and enjoy life!

On this day
1977  A lot happened this year but my learning German in the class I went to with my mom on this day did not end in my learning German.  It was a lost cause.  Mom took the class because she wanted to remember the German she spoke at home with her mom.  I tried Spanish a number of times also.  I think the real answer is to go live there and then you have to learn it.

1790 - Thomas Jefferson reported to U.S. President George Washington as the new secretary of state. I wonder if Washington fired any of his staff?

Turkey Current news
Turkey’s plans to expand its war against Kurdish fighters in Syria touched off strong objections from the U.S., whose soldiers risk becoming entangled in direct conflict with advancing Turkish forces.
Buoyed by his army’s capture of Afrin, a Kurdish stronghold in northwest Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed to extend the offensive against separatist Kurdish militants to eastern Syria and northern Iraq. On Monday, the Pentagon voiced concern that Turkey’s military drive could further weaken the battle against Islamic State in southern Syria, where Syrian Kurdish fighters form the backbone of the U.S.-led campaign.
I guess this is not new news.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20, 2018 Tuesday #First day of Spring!!!!!!

Get Fit
Still a little chilly for me to walk outside but I'm trying to prepare my legs for the future.  Dancers legs is a list I use - warm ups with jumping jacks, stretches and high knees and then squats, lunges etc.  Get in shape for the up coming activities you have planned!

Get Faith
1 John 4:7  "Dear friends, let us practice loving each other, for love comes from God and those who are loving and kind show that they are the children of God, and that they are getting to know him better."  Every act, every practice you take on to love and care for one another brings you closer to the God that invented love.  Even if you lift someone up in prayer it benefits them and brings you closer to the God that loves you.  Make your Spring plan to help someone else get closer to God and His great love for them.

On this day
1975  Was a Thursday and I was still living in Birmingham.  After work a friend picked up some picture framing I did for her. (That happened a lot)  Then Pete came over and we went out to Dairy Queen.  I don't think the Dairy Queens around here are open yet, today being the first day of Spring.  It is kind of a rite of Spring to go and get that first chocolate covered swirl cone isn't it?  AND, I already saw a robin!  Can I hope to see the last of the snow?  What makes it Spring for you?

0141 - The 6th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet took place. for you astronomers out there!

Lulebargaz Turkey
Homemade Manti (Traditional Turkish Dumplings) 

Homemade Manti (Traditional Turkish Dumplings)

  • Prep
  • Cook
  • Ready In

Recipe By:Asli Ocak
"Manti is a famous meal from my country. To prepare this dish takes time, but I'm sure you'll agree it's worth it! Enjoy—afiyet olsun (bon appetit)!"


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon water, or as needed
  • 2 onions, peeled
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 (8 ounce) container plain yogurt


  1. Combine the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Add the eggs and water, mixing well with your hands. Add more water, if needed, to form a soft dough. Cover and set aside for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Shred the onions and place them in a colander or sieve set over a bowl; drain the juice and discard. Combine the onion, ground beef, salt, and pepper; mix the meat well with a spoon until mashed.
  3. Divide the dough into two portions and lightly flour a work surface. Keep one piece of dough covered while you roll out the second portion into a rectangle, rolling the dough as thin as you can. Cut the rectangle into 2-inch squares with a knife or pastry wheel.
  4. Place about 2 teaspoons of the meat filling in the center of each square. Seal the dumplings by gathering the edges of the dough and pinching them together at the top to form a bundle. Transfer the finished manti to a floured plate, and sprinkle more flour over the manti to prevent sticking. Repeat with the second piece of dough.
  5. Heat the oil and red pepper flakes in a small skillet over low heat just until the pepper flakes have started to color the oil; don't let them burn. Remove from the heat and keep warm. Stir the minced garlic into the yogurt and set aside.
  6. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over medium-high heat, and cook the manti until the filling is no longer pink, and the dough is tender, 20 to 25 minutes. Drain well. Divide the manti among four plates. Spoon the yogurt sauce over the manti and drizzle each serving with the hot pepper oil.

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018 Monday #Pilates#God'sgifts#Sue/Nan#Arcadopolis

Get Fit
Started this week with some Pilates.  Hoping to stave off those hip replacement, back surgeries and chiropractor visits that come to so many at my age.  Nothing is promised, but I can hope!  Roll ups!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 1:7  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  Well two out of three isn't bad.  God does give us tools to do His work.  Look what he gave Moses - that staff that brought frogs, gnats, flies, rivers of blood, etc.  We don't need those things, he gives us the power to help one another and the love of one another to help.  A sound mind is truly a gift from God - not bestowed on everyone, but an asset.

On this day
1968  I really don't have too many journals from the 60's but this one brings back some good memories.  On this day which was a Tuesday, I picked up my friend Sue and her son Kenny and brought them over to my house (Mom's house on Lesure) for dinner.  Later I dropped her off at our friend Nan's place.  I am still in touch with both of these old friends, not as much as one lives in California and the other in New Jersey.  I wish I could have said more about our visit.

1968 - Students at Howard University students seized an administration building. Youth uprising! Sounds familiar.

Lulebargaz Turkey


Widely grown crop in Lüleburgaz are sunflower, wheat and corn.  Now there are some menu hints!


The ancient name of the city was Bergula; Emperor Theodosius I changed it to Arcadiopolis (GreekΑρκαδιούπολις) in honour of his son and successor Arcadius.
The city of Arcadiopolis fell to Attila the Hun during his campaign against the Eastern Roman Empire in 443 AD.
The Battle of Arcadiopolis (970) saw Byzantine forces defeat an invading Kievan-Pecheneg-Magyar force who were aiming to capture Constantinople, 100 miles (161 kilometres) to the east.
The Battle of Lule Burgas (1912) was here in the First Balkan War.
As the capital of the Roman province of Europa it had its own bishop, who was noted to a number of important church councils and was noted as an autocephalous archbishopric by the seventh century. It is no longer a residential bishopric, although the Diocese of Arcadiopolis survives as a Roman Catholic titular see.


In 2007, a women's football club, the Düvenciler Lisesispor was founded, which played in the Turkish Women's First Football League after promotion from the Second League. The team changed its name to Lüleburgaz 39 Spor and colors from yellow-black to red-green in 2011. The club ended its participation in the league in the 2013-14 season.[3]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark B, Mark F and Debbie F!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18, 2018 Sunday #goodhealth#stayhealthy#quiet/chaos#Laterncouncil#Turkey/China

Get Fit  
The Bible tells us that our bodies are temples - a place to worship God.  It also says that cleanliness is next to holiness.  Keeping your health and strength up is a good idea for a lot of reasons. 

Get Faith
1 Timothy 4:8  "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."  I am a caretaker and I know that I am.  If my family or a friends need care they can depend on me.  In that knowledge I feel like I have to keep my health up, and my strength to be what God intends me to be.  At 71, I believe I have many years of service left and hope I can be there when needed.  We need to keep our health up for this life and our bodies strong for the life to come.  We are told we get our bodies back on the resurrection - what is yours going to look like?  Just kidding, I'm pretty sure they will be in the best shape possible in heaven. 

On this day
2017  Last year was the kind of day I like, a little productive and cooking for friends and family.  I cooked corned beef for Waynette and I and then we watched a movie "Hacksaw Ridge".  Couldn't have been too good, I remember nothing about it, probably a western or a war movie.  I consider a day a good thing when nothing bad happens to interrupt my quiet plans.  Ha, that's not true - I thrive on someone calling and telling me they had a flat tire and could I come and get them.  LOL

1123 - The first Latern Council (9th ecumenical council) opened in Rome. 
The Council of 1123 is reckoned in the series of Ecumenical councils by the Catholic Church. It was convoked by Pope Callixtus II in December, 1122, immediately after the Concordat of Worms. The Council sought to: (a) bring an end to the practice of the conferring of ecclesiastical benefices by people who were laymen; (b) free the election of bishops and abbots from secular influence; (c) clarify the separation of spiritual and temporal affairs; (d) re-establish the principle that spiritual authority resides solely in the Church; (e) abolish the claim of the emperors to influence papal elections.  Wow I know why I never heard of this - it is probably something Luther would have stricken from the book.

Lulebargaz Turkey

It is full steam ahead with promotion of Turkey in China including trade fairs, television adverts, magazine features and training for travel agents from both countries. But will all this demanding work pay off? Will the Chinese year of tourism in Turkey boost visitor stats and in turn, the Turkish economy? Read more here - This looks like an interesting link!!

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Mary Beth and Beth!