Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11, 2018 Sunday #Gospelinanutshell#colusinsdinner#ancient history

Get Faith
Loved the sermon today.  The old testament reading was from the book of Numbers about the Israelite's in the dessert after leaving Egypt.  It told the story of the poisonous snakes that were biting them and they were dying.  This happened after they had been crying and complaining about the things that they lacked, so they went to Moses and begged that God would forgive them.  God said to Moses to make serpent on a stick so that they would look at it after they were bitten and they would be saved.  SO, after repenting for their bad behavior God gave them a sign to save them.  Our continueed Gospel tells a better story of an unrepentant people being given a sign also - Jesus , who walked the earth with them, taught them the Way the Truth and the Light and then died for their sins before they even asked for forgiveness.  John 3:16  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, (Jesus Christ) to die for us."  Believe and you will be saved.

On this day
2008  My cousins group has dinner every month and has for 20+ years.  First of all it started off as friends.  My sister Alice, my cousin Barb and my friend Norma and I started it.  Then it grew out of proportion to include friends, family and more.  It did emerge into mostly cousins and a few friends which is what it still is.  Another group fragmented off and I still meet with them once a month also.  On this day in 2008 it was cousin Barb and I, Waynette and her cousin Margaret and a friend Nancy. We met at Chili's, which I don't think we have done since. We try to go different places all the time but some places, like, El Charo and Rogers Roost we do more often.  The trick to this is making the next location and date while you are still together.  Get a group together!

537 - The Goths began their siege on Rome. I have a vision of  young people all in black with tatoo's.

Turkey History


The Thracians (Ancient GreekΘρᾷκεςLatinThraci) were a group of Indo-European tribes inhabiting a large area in Central and Southeastern Europe.[5] They were bordered by the Scythiansto the north, the Celts and the Illyrians to the west, the Ancient Greeks to the south and the Black Sea to the east. They spoke the Thracian language – a scarcely attested branch of the Indo-European language family. The study of Thracians and Thracian culture is known as Thracology.
Thrace and the Thracian Odrysian kingdom in its maximum extent under Sitalces (431-424 BC)
Starting around 1200 BC, the western coast of Anatolia was heavily settled by Aeolian and Ionian Greeks. Numerous important cities were founded by these colonists, such as MiletusEphesusSmyrna and Byzantium, the latter founded by Greek colonists from Megara in 657 BC. All of Thrace, and the native Thracian peoples were conquered by Darius the Great in the late 6th century BC, and were re-subjugated into the empire in 492 BC following Mardonius' campaign during the First Persian invasion of Greece.[6] The territory of Thrace later became unified by the Odrysian kingdom, founded by Teres I,[7] probably after the Persian defeat in Greece.[8]  I see the names of cities
eventually visited by St Paul in these histories. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Joyce, Marty S, Dan W and 

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