Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10, 2018 Saturday #commonillness#wings#disasters#War!whatisitgoodfor?

Get Fit
I'm not sure about this.  They say if you don't feel well you should rest.  Then not only do I not feel well but I lose any energy I had by sitting around.  I think I'm more the "walk it off" type.  But I started back slow with AM yoga today. And then house cleaning and grocery shopping.  Life goes on right?  How do you handle common illness?

Get Faith
Psalm 63:6-7  "I lie awake at night thinking of you - of how much you have helped me - and how I rejoice through the night beneath the protecting shadow of your wings."  I like the thought of this, that like a baby bird I am covered by the wings of God.  Now, I never think of God having wings - we are made in His likeness and we don't have wings.  Maybe the wings of angels are what David is referring to.  What do you think?

On this day
2007  I went shopping at Pier One.  I love that store - I never go there now because I'm not on a budget to buy anything - if I could just go and look that would be great but I have no will power.  When I left there I had to take my car to Pat to get the catalytic converter fixed.  He is such a good friend, he is still fixing cars for me.  Nicole was down in New Orleans, this was her last year of college at Albion and I'm thinking it was her first visit to the Katrina damaged city to work on rebuilding.  She went a few times.  So many natural disasters in the last 20 years, has it always been like this?  I think that due to the high concentration of people in these areas the disasters seem worse.

0049 BC - Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon and invaded Italy.  This was just prior to the time of Christ.  A world full of war and power mongering.  We haven't learned much.


Roman control of Anatolia was strengthened by a 'hands off' approach by Rome, allowing local control to govern effectively and providing military protection. In the early 4th century, Constantine the Great established a new administrative centre at Constantinople, and by the end of the 4th century the Roman empire split into two parts, the Eastern part (Romania) with Constantinople as its capital, referred to by historians as the Byzantine Empire from the original name, Byzantium.[4]    This is a continuation of the war story above - takeover of countries for more 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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