Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1, 2018 Thursday #Peptalk#AskGod#linedancing#biotechnology!#cab-bikes

Get Fit
Here is a little March pep talk!  You have about 3 months to be summer ready.  Not just to fit into your old bathing suit - but prepared for all the extra activity you like to do in the summer.  We all ramp up our routines for hiking or walking, bike riding, swimming and vacationing.  Don't you want the energy level that you will need to do that?  Think about paddling that canoe or kayak and how tired your arms will get if they have been hanging at your side limp all winter.  Now think of the pain you will have after paddling for a few hours.  Huh?  What do you think?  Get moving now and you will be ready sooner!

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:4-6  "If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgement and common sense, then trust the Lord completely: don't ever trust yourself.  In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success."  If left on my own, I can remember some not so good advice I might have given people.  We watch TV and then believe what anyone on a medical or health program tell you - and then spread it as gospel.  The book of Proverbs has really good "passed down by mom" advice that is grounded in the law of God.  Things that you can trust above "they say".   Go to God in prayer, read the scripture and find out the best way to deal with problems on this earth.  Hey!  God created it all and knows what is best.

On this day
1995  My life had changed again.  Nicole was 10, I was working and the family dynamics had all changed.  My mom was ever present at the house for Nicole, after school and we found activity at church and differently than we did.  I went to something called cowboys and spurs with my cousins on this night - looking for love in all the wrong places.  The line dancing was a lot of fun and great exercises.  Embracing change is not always easy.

1995 - The European Parliament rejected legislation that would have allowed biotechnology companies to patent new life forms. It seems to me we are doing a bad enough job with what we have.

Lulelburgaz Turkey
Green ‘cab-bikes' draw attention in Lüleburgaz

"Cab-bikes," which have been put to operation by the Lüleburgaz Municipality to help decrease the factors of climate change as part of the Grant Scheme of Capacity Building in Turkey's Climate Change of Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), continue their services in the Lüleburgaz district of Kırklareli province.

These tri-wheel vehicles, which are common in Far East countries, and are known as "tuk-tuk" in some of them, serve people free of charge.

Lüleburgaz Mayor Emin Halebak told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the cab-bikes are a center of interest.

Stressing that the increase in the number of motor vehicles expedites climate change, Halebak reported that the cab-bikes, which are a part of the project titled "We Tackle Climate Change with Our Bikes," are not harmful to the environment or nature.

"2017 was the year with bikes in the Lüleburgaz Municipality. We have prepared themes for every year. We also made a secondary project that will we conduct with the European Union within the bike project. We started to use the cab-bikes in the town in order to decrease global warming, global climate change and carbon footprint. The project, which has cost 50,000 euros, will continue for a year. We present this service free of charge now. We provide transportation for elderly people, pregnant women, handicapped people and families that have children under the age of 10."

Hasan Koçarslan, one of the cab-bike drivers, said people are happy and satisfied when they use these vehicles. Noting especially elders show interest, Koçarslan continued, "We hear elderly people's good comments like: 'So glad we have you,' 'May God Bless you,' 'You think of us.' This is why we are really happy."

Emin Akbıyık also thanked the Lüleburgaz Municipality for the service of the cab-bikes.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Krister, Rox and Hayla!!!

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